To mount an antenna here takes someone who is very brave, or very stupid. This is what I get for my lack of planning. Granted, I love the location. The fit is in perfection (3mm gap from mount to taillight). To get it done? A nightmare.

Ok, I’m being a little melodramatic. But it is very difficult to do. First, the top bolt must be shortened so that is just a bit shorter than the bottom bolt. Next, the plastic liner for the bolt cannot be used. Yeah, the one that keeps the metal that carriers the transmission from touching any other metal? Can’t use it. It’s to thick. You will need to make one that is much much thinner. I used a drinking straw from a sports bottle and electrical tape. You will also need skinny fingers. Seriously. The nut for the top bolt is almost to thick to fit.

After 6 hours of fighting (yes, Vixen demanded blood), and working though each of the challenges as they presented themselves, it is done, and it is nearly perfect.

I get a lot of antenna wobble from the spring so I may take that off. And while the radio is wired up, and the antenna is tuned, I still need to actually mount the radio. Just two more screws, but I still need to do it.