Granted I am working with just the dome light, so I will need to look again when it is light outside, but I have two possible locations for mounting the CB radio.

1) Just to the right of the steering column. Not ideal as I worry about my legs bumping it, but there seems to be enough room.

2) Mounted vertically next to the shifter. This, so far anyway, is my preferred choice. I could mount it in the passenger side as well, but I worry that passengers may not be used to the idea of items mounted near their legs and may bump it.

The radio is to long to mount in the ash tray slot or the cubby in the center console. Of course, there is the slot at the bottom of the dash where the OEM CD changer used to be, but I am saving that for a switch bank (I have more plans ). So unless I can find a better spot these two are the prime candidates. I did consider mounting it on top of the dash in the center, and would work well, but I really don’t want to drill holes in it. Unless I can find a way to secure it without drilling holes, that spot is out.