Well it was another fine day of off roading. Hopefully everyone who attended had a good time. Started off with 14 vehicles. Everyone got out damage free. Box Canyon went off without a hitch. Three of our group got a little over anctous, got ahead of us, took a wrong turn and was never seen again. Over the radio we found out they made it out the easy way. On the trail to Coke Ovens a wrong turn put us off on a trail that came to a point only one of us was equiped to tackle (Houlster in his awsome red Amigo). So after lunch and watching Houlster make easy work of that obstacle we turned back the way we came from. 4 of us decided to search out the Coke Ovens while the rest of the group kept going back the way we had come from. We found the Coke Ovens shortly afterwards and then took an alternate route out crossing the Gila River. Then it was back home. Here are the pics...

14 vehicles airing down

In Box Canyon

Me (Triathlete) crawling over a little rock

Houlster flexing his awesome Amigo

Squinko playing in his Jeep