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Thread: vx calender ?

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  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    99 ebony 9532
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    vx calender ?

    Does anyone know if we are allowed to make a vx calender ?

    Or do we have to have permission from the "great "Isuzu ?

    Thanks in advance Fred

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
    Thanked: 7
    Some forum members started making a calendar but ran into problems with submitted pictures having too low a resolution for calendar size pages. I think there were other considerations that got in the way as well.

    For those who remember me talking about making a poster of forum member's VX's, I have started the process. Many new owners are on the forum since I began getting permission to use pics -- if you wish me to consider your pics for the poster, IM me.

    2000 Ebony #263
    Original Owner- love her too much to part with her.

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Oct 2003
    2000 Kaiser
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    From my understanding, makeing a calander is not a problem legally if for your own use. Once you make one to distribute, especially if you charge for it, then you would need Isuzu's permission and what not.

  4. #4

    The origin of what not .

    Maybe it's a northern colloquialism - but it has started to pop-up more in speech in my circles. And it really sticks out in my mind, because - as I was growing up - a "what not" was a reference to a glass or porcelain figurine. My mother had a 'what not' cabinet, that we were never allowed to touch, because 'what not's' break easily. So - what exactly does 'what not' mean in converstaion - Whatever ?

    Anita - you can use what not picture of my you wish

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000, Black, VX, 0021
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    I asked my friend that is the trademark police for GM and he said you cannot make one "legally" if you are using the VX "trade dress or image" of isuzu…. Even if you to took the pictures yourself. Probably not a good idea to use someone else’s image (like isuzu’s)

    however he said if you made them and sold them isuzu might tell you to stop. however he doubts they would say anything since such small potatoes.

    He regularly bust people that are making thousands of dollars on gm trademarks and he said he would not waste his time on something like this. He starts by telling them to stop making and get licensed and hits them with a small fine. IF they don’t get licensed continues to sell then he gets the local prosecutor involved and then shuts them down and confiscates the unlicensed merchandise and the stuff used to make it computers.

    So I don’t think you have much to worry about other than having to pay 6% or so to license.

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Aug 2003
    2001 Kaiser #0894
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    "You would need Isuzu's permission and [what's not mentioned inadvertently]"... thus, what not...
    Do they ever stop looking?

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
    Thanked: 7
    I suppose we would need a copyrights/licensing attorney to confirm on this subject but I dont believe placing owners vehicles on a calendar would constitute breaking licensing rights. IF, we used the official logo graphic of the company or any official quote, I then see the need for permission and licensing.

    If a film company had to pay for every car shown in a freeway scene for a movie, it would be a ridiculous feat.

    Permission that I was talking about concerning the poster stems from wanting the permission of the picture owner to use, print and duplicate the image.

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999, ASTRAL
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    I see no harm done...

    ...There is no law I know of that prevents people from taking personal pictures of their cars or friends cars and sharing them with their friends. It's not like anyone is going to get rich off these or threaten any corporate bottom line by sharing personal photos. BTW how much resolution do you need to make a quality caledar presentation? If you need higher resolution photos of my VX let me know. I can make the "VX in the SNOW" photo you liked any size you want

  9. #9
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
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    The Isuzu police do get around once in awhile. Although, I've not seen them for some time. I does get into a touchy subject but, there should be no problems with personal pics showing up on a calendar. Especialy if there is no profit margin. They really frown on making money when their logos show up in print.

    If you do want to use a special photo for reproduction, it's not the dimentional size that constitutes resolution. It's acually how many dots per inch the photo is comprised of. A good guide that I have seen is between 600 and 900 dpi or higher.
    Scott /

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
    Thanked: 7

    Re: I see no harm done...

    Originally posted by Navigator
    ... I can make the "VX in the SNOW" photo you liked any size you want
    If you have the pic in the dpi that Scott quoted, send it on in! But I do think the version I have has pretty decent clarity.

    I need to find a pic of the last Moab lineup that has the correct quality. Anyone has that? I know a lot of us took the same or similar shot of the line-up.

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Proton VX #0662
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    You can use mine!

    I have some good high res pictures on my website that you can look at and use for the calendar if you like any of them! My VX dreams of becoming a star!
    Canadian VXer!

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