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Thread: To S/C, or not to S/C....

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
    Thanked: 10

    To S/C, or not to S/C....

    .... that is the question. Work bonus' just came through and I am sitting here with some a few 0's in my hand. Thought about paying some credit cards off or just investing it, but that S/C keeps knocking on my brain's back door. I realise there are some implications with having a S/C in a warrantied VX, but that is a concern I am willing to dismiss. Having my VX fresh back from the body shop, I am ready to start cracking on my PRE spring mods, and the S/C would be first on my list for the year. I figure I will ponder it over the weekend and decide by next week.

    Any thoughts?
    Gary Noonan
    '01 S/C VX / '18 Forester XT

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    '99 SC Ebony #1961
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    DO IT! it really changes the driving characteristics of the VX, even my finance thinks it rides smoother and faster now too!

    I just added the 5 psi pulley and changed out the factory spark plugs with some Bosch Platinum +4.

    I really am happy with the way it drives, more grunt off the line and SO much faster on the highways, of course I want more POWER... but you always do.

    I really need to meet up with John or someone close by so we can race and really see if it is faster.

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Sep 2003
    1999 Astrial Silver VX
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    unless you have other more important bills to pay off, I'd do it if I had the $ - you only live once, might as well live it supercharged!

    Just imagine that tinkling feeling of happiness when you get it installed and drive for the next few years...hard to put a price/worth on happiness!

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999, ASTRAL
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    Thumbs up Put a SC on that SOB...

    ...You have a lifetime to pay off credit cards WTF you waitin' on Get the SC Sure, I'll just stand around and perhaps pass tools and drink your beer throughout the entire process , then be the first to volunteer to test drive the beast for ya when it's all done

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    I know, I sound like the voice of reason (old) for saying this, but having been in credit trouble in past (around 7 years ago), I'd say get the credit cards paid off ASAP. Yeah, the SC may or may not be around long enough for you to pay those cards off, but think about how free you will feel when they are paid and done. You won't have to send that check in to "tha man" every month, for who the hell knows how long.

    Maybe it's because I had such a hard time paying off the ones that I had in and just out of college, but there was nothing that stressed me worse than not making any money in college or right out of college and having to dodge the credit colletor phone calls for my Discover, Dillards, and Exxon cards. Finally, I received a severence package from the company I was working for, and I gave all that money away to the credit companies... it was the best thing I have ever done.

    It's up to you. It seems almost everyone here is going to tell you to get the SC, and I would too... but seriously, the credit cards will still be there after you fork over all that cash, and you gotta pay them sometime!

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Jul 2002
    99 Ironman
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    I agree with Dallas. S/C is a dreammmmmmm of mine but hey just think if you fall on tough times you have a possibilty of even having you VX repossesed or may need to sell it just to keep your head above water. Not saying your in that bad of shape but unfortunately I've have been there with the credit cards ( oh, still am) (LOL) and hate paying them but I always feel job security is no longer job "security" and the creditors could care less. Believe me the day I could afford the S/C I will be screaming in CAPS that I'm debt free and able to get it....So, all the people who are pushing for you to get the S/C before your bills just remember if you should lose your job they're not gonna be there to pay your bills when the time comes, then what?

  7. #7
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    12 Mini Cooper Coupe S fully modded and tuned!, 01 Kaiser VX #1209 RIP, 01 Kaiser VX #0664 Clone
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    Thumbs up

    Go for it! You can teeter both ways on what to do with it, but you really only live once! That is next for me, after the alarm with autostart and mirror with monitor and rearview camara, getting those installed tomarrow morning!
    Ask forgiveness, not permission.

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    '01 Ironman
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    Hell I got a credit card so that I could afford the SC! LOL
    2001 Ironman Daily Driver... 3.5" suspension lift (OME912 springs and 1" spring spacer), ball joint flip, 1.5" front diff. drop, 33"x12.5 TrXus MT, 16x10 Eagle Alloy rims, Interceptor, PV muffler, K&N air filter, Alpine Supercharger, Bilstein shocks, and some trimming.

    2000 Ironman Project LS-1 VX... very slow progress but someday....... ohhhhh someday......

  9. #9
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2002, Grey, Axiom, 7578
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    I have been on the credit bandwagon - it is a feeling of euphoria when you can go in some place and buy something really cool with a piece of plastic. However, once that has been done, the long haul begins of making payments. If you make a payment near the minimum payment, most times that product ends up costing you twice as much.

    I strongly urge you to pay off any credit cards. Then start putting the extra money each month into a savings account. When that money has grown large enough, you can then pay cash for a supercharger. The other good thing about this approach is that technology continues to astound. If you were to save money for a year or two, there is the possibility of something even better becoming available.

    I just got out from the credit umbrella. I have no credit cards and both of my vehicles have been paid off. It was great last November to go in to Fry's and see a sub $500 DVD system and be able to buy it for cash. It used to be that I was paying $550 a month just for the Vehicross...

    I can honestly say that if we did not have credit cards, that the recession of the late nineties would have turned into another great depression...

    Besides, if my movie does well, I'm planning on something huge for the Vehicross owners... I'm not going into details yet, because I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.


  10. #10
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    99' Astral Silver
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    I don't believe in spending money I do not have!!!

    Sure, I have a few credit cards with small credit lines but they are only for building credit and those times when I really need something like extra cash for the holidays or an unexpected repair for the VX etc.

    I am a firm believer in only spending the extra cash that I made myself. No interest there and no monthly bills

    Most of my family, unfortunatly, ran in to bad luck with their credit cards and I was severly effected by this growing up as a kid!!! I could never get the stuff I needed never mind the stuff I wanted

    That's why now, I can buy things of my own like a nice cool VX that I can do what ever I want to with my own hard earned cash.

    I don't know what your credit cards are like so the decision is ultimatley up to you. Just be sure to make the mature and realistic decision

    Good luck and best wishes either way!!!
    Live Free or DIE!

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    Yea, I have a following!!

    Seriously, I don't know what your credit situation is like, and it is true that you only live once, which kinda of further verifies ,my statement that you don't want to dig a deeper hole for yourself in those financial matters.

    It is ultimately up to you as to what you want to spend your money on... but you WILL feel better and further be able to enjoy the SC more if you know that you are buying it with cash without worries!

  12. #12
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2001 Ebony S/C #1304
    Thanked: 10
    Well, just to knock some of the icing off the CC issue here, they are not a problem. Never have been. In all reality, I have enough of this bonus to get the S/C and to pay off some of the cards. The CC are not really an issue, but I thought it may have been an option in case I thought the S/C wasnt as important as feeling the freedom of having no debts, heh.

    I think I will just go ahead and get the S/C and with what I have left, drop into closing some cards out. Combined, I only owe about a combined balance of $4k on the cards anyways. And when you are a rich superstar like me, you can easily cover that in a good night's work.

    Thanks for all the input though. Good to see that folks who you have never met in your life, give or take a few lines of text, could care so much and offer such good advice. Thanks!

  13. #13
    Member Since
    Dec 2002
    '01 Ironman
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    Originally posted by WormGod
    Good to see that folks who you have never met in your life, give or take a few lines of text, could care so much and offer such good advice. Thanks!
    Ya no problem, I knew I had the best advice LOL

    Make sure you get the 5psi pulley along with the kit, if you don't care about warranty (if there really is one )

  14. #14
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    99' Astral Silver
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    Originally posted by WormGod
    And when you are a rich superstar like me, you can easily cover that in a good night's work.

    Hell, If that's the case what are you waiting for? Go get that S/C

  15. #15
    Member Since
    Jun 2003
    visiting your planet, from time to time
    Thanked: 0
    Originally posted by WormGod
    And when you are a rich superstar like me, you can easily cover that in a good night's work.

    Shouldn't that be posted in the "kill section" thread?

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