I've been visiting this web site for quite a while now, getting ideas on what to do to my VX once I get her. I hopefully will have a VX this summer (after I graduate from college)
Now on to my question..... Almost everyone I show a picture of the VX to says they think the VX is ugly! The only person that thinks it's cool is a current Aztek owner (ack!!!). Even my girlfriend thinks it's ugly. Maybe I need to find some new friends (and a new girlfriend), but have you guys noticed a lot of people don't like the looks of them?
Don't get me wrong, I don't care what others think, because I think the VX is absolutely beautiful! And no matter what people say, I'm going to be trading in my '97 Saturn SC2 on one in the next 6 months. But I just wanted to see what other people's friends/girlfriends/boyfriends/wives/husbands think of their VX. Might be interesting!
Anyways, thanks for the great web site..... You guys are the ones who have helped me get through college (the VX gives me inspiration to keep on going)!