Well after "reshaping" one of my center caps on my front wheel 4 wheeling I decided to hunt down a replacement. Called my local dealer (Royal "ripoff" Isuzu). The parts guy looked into his magic computer and threw out a price of $179. My reply was "I only need one, not the whole set". His reply was "that is for one". My reply was . Then I explained to the guy that I could purchase nice rims for less than that. His reply was "yea, you probably could". So I told them to put down their crack pipe and get back to reality....end of conversation.
Checked "parts list"...retail $100 each!
Checked internet...$80. (thanks Bob)
Call All Hundyai Isuzu...used...shipped to my door...$50! Much better. Ordered it...will be here by end of week. Jay (the guy I talked to said they are a hot seller due to the factory high price. Had several in stock ready to ship.