It's once again time to begin discussion on the Black Rock Mountain meet. This will be the 2nd annual event, featuring VX owners from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and places not yet determined (I believe a dozen or so VXers appeared last year). Last year we had a blast with quite a large showing over the spring break weekend. The meet is held at the Black Rock Mountain campsite in North Georgia, minutes from the Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina borders.

The meet features beautiful, scenic camping, hiking trails, off-road excitement and great company. Typically we break up into groups of modifiers, 4-wheelers, nature enthusiasts, etc, then reassemble for common meals. In order to reserve the campsite, we'll need to get this together within the next week or so.

I have pics of the meet here:

Everyone is invited so if you're interested in participating, please post on this thread.

-- Best, John