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Thread: Introduce yourself here!

  1. #61
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ironman VX 0031
    Thanked: 0
    Hey all. I've loved the Vehicross ever since that cool commercial back in 1998 when they first came out as a '99 model. I was in school and couldn't afford one, but sure as hell I'd be buying one once I got out. Well, I got out and began my teaching career in '99, but I couldn't afford a VX yet. Long story short, after they discontinued them, I figured I couldn't find a good used one, so when I could finally buy a new car, I went for a new Acura RSX. Loved it, but kept looking for that perfect VX. Found it about two months ago. I traded in my new RSX for a used 2000 VX. Best decission I ever made. I LOVE it!!!!

  2. #62
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    12 Mini Cooper Coupe S fully modded and tuned!, 01 Kaiser VX #1209 RIP, 01 Kaiser VX #0664 Clone
    Thanked: 1
    Hi all, my name is Lisa and I have owned my vx since 5/02, bought new while the prices have bottomed out. I have wanted this turck since I saw it in 1999 and took one for a spin. For the 3 yrs since I have talked non stop about the vx, driving my husbancd crazy! I barely let him sit in the passanger seat, and he has never driven it. I hope it lasts until someone comes out with another unique fine cross between truck and car!!

  3. #63
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    2001 Black 0978
    Thanked: 0

    New Guy

    Just picked up my 2001 VehiCross...all black, had 600 miles on it when I bought it. It was the one used on the TV show MutantX.

    Have always liked the car and since moving to Canada 5 mths ago, was finally convinced I wouldn't be able to drive my corvette in the my VX is the winter car.

    Love it so far, well except for the gas milage...

  4. #64
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    '99 Astral #1977
    Thanked: 0
    Hello everybody. Just bought my '99 Astral #1977 last monday. I love it! I first seen a VX last spring. I never seen anything like it before and told myself I would like to have one. When I learned that they weren't imported any longer I thought they would now cost a small fortune. The more I researched, the more I wanted one, at any cost (almost). I have searched for months at dealers and found this one on the internet on a Saturday, and bought it that Monday. Never regretted it. I love this vehicle and all its quriks. So you can't see out the back window, I learned to use the mirrors. The back seat isn't that small, just a little hard to get in and out of. One thng that does drive me nuts though is when I'm adjusting the stereo volume while driving and I inadvertantly shut the radio OFF. Pain in my neck. Gotta love this VX!

  5. #65
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    '99,victory white(ironman),VX,#0278
    Thanked: 0

    Smile HELLO ALL

    IN 1999 I was watching t.v. and saw the vehicross commercial for the first time, and it was LOVE at first sight. the next day I went to my local Isuzu dealer and placed an order for a new '99 victory white Ironman edition. Early in '00 I took delivery of my VehiCROSS, I agreed to let it sit in the showroom for two weeks. That weekend I went to the Great Smokey Mts. where a car show was going on. More people crowded around my VX than any other car in the show!! And I wasn't even in it. At the time I owned the only VX registered in Tn. So every where I went people flocked to it. I constantly had to clean the glass where onlookers peered inside. Since then I have only fallen deeper in love with it. Until I found V-MAG and this forum nobody knew anything about the VX (the dealer included). You guys have made the daunting process of modifing my VX a pleasure. Sure I have had the normal problems (windows,squeaking hood,etc) but it's nice to know that there are people out there who love the VehiCROSS as much as I , and are willing to share there knowledge. I hope to attend a meet in the future to actually put faces with e-handles. CARLYMAC
    carlymac '99 IRONMAN , #0278, Hendersonville, Tn.

  6. #66
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    2001 Silver VX 1317
    Thanked: 0

    Thumbs up

    Hi, I love the VX on-line community. I've already made a few posts. My grey VX-01 is currently completely stock except for custom wheel spacers that the stock 18" wheels bolt onto. They work very well for handling. The wheels look better too as they stick out as far as the fenders do. The spacers theoretically hurt the ride quality though, but I don't know how much as they came with the car (5200 miles). Am planning on getting a set of 16" wheels for off-road tires [18" not for sale]. Skid plates are on order.
    -- Quest

  7. #67
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    2001,White, VX,0440
    Thanked: 0

    Talking Introduction ! !

    Because of Scott's patience with my lack of computer savy I am making my humble notes available. I first saw the VX at the autoshow in Houston,TX.,two years ago and proceeded to assess its value on a logical and economical basis. Time passed and until recently I had not seen any about. But sure enough 3 weeks ago a Proton flashed by and I was overcome by the desire to know more about this flashy sports vehicle however it was gone before I could treat my eyes to this most exciting vision. Needless to say the impact was immediate and I had to have one, ASAP if not before.
    The search begain on the net and numerous calls about the country was met by too late we just sold IT. Finally after two weeks I found one in Atlanta, GA. and jumped a plane the next day with cashier check in hand and was driving my new 2001, white, Triathalon, homeward bound back to Houston, a 2 day trip.What a JOY and Delight.
    I'm in my second child hood,a single guy, no dawgs ,ex Army combat pilot{Nam},former stock broker and so on. Living in the big city where to my surprise there are very few VX'spossibly fewer than 10. I've run out of space so you can tell I'm excited.

    <<< Admin note, Yeah!!! Bob! No patience needed on my part, just glad you made it!...WSG >>>
    Last edited by Moncha : 10/07/2002 at 04:28 PM

  8. #68
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    2001 Kaiser Silver VX #1027
    Thanked: 0

    Welcome, me

    Could anyone still be reading this thread?

    For those from the other board, I was "VX Steve" in Chicago. I'm still in Chicago, and for that matter, still "VX Steve" there. But here, I'm VX Monster.

    Someday, I'll tell all of you why. ;-)

    I've got 2000 miles on my 2001 Kaiser Grey (#1027). I've never loved a vehicle like this before... it's unnatural, don't you think? Then again, look at the group I'm asking....

    I've only had mine for a couple of months, and I've only been able to plan mods so far. Well, I made a cup holder, and I swapped out the horn this week (still not quite right, but way better than before). And I've begun the debadging. But there's oh, so much more to do.

    See you all here,

    '01 Kaiser Silver #1027, Chicago
    "I figure 'Overkill' is ju-u-u-ust about enough"

  9. #69
    Member Since
    Jul 2002
    99 Silver
    Thanked: 0
    Hi everyone, I've been a car enthusiast all my life, but no car has ever struck me the way the VX did, the only thing I needed to check was the legroom, which I did at the L.A. car show and was surprised at the extra length. I told the stranger sitting next to me that this is my next vehicle. I had to wait a couple years before I could afford a 99 silver with only 16K miles on it for $18K. It was well worth the wait, this is the perfect GO ANYWHERE, EASY TO PARK AND MANEUVER, SPORTS CAR COCKPIT, ADVENTURE MACHINE. I'm sure they designed it especially for me.
    Last edited by StormTROOPER : 10/15/2002 at 02:19 PM

  10. #70
    Member Since
    Sep 2002
    1997 BLUE JAPAN VX 0112
    Thanked: 0
    N1 from Sydney Australia (soon moving back to HK). My VX is a 1997 Empire Blue Japan spec. I bought it and shipped it over myself. Wish I can ship it back to HK now...
    VX Down Under

  11. #71
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    '01, Dragon Mica Green NO MORE, 1393 SOLD
    Thanked: 0
    Greetings from Portland Oregon.

    I've had my '01 Green Mica since late August. Nearing the 5k mile mark now and it's been a great ride.

    I first saw the VX concept in late '97. I had a '96 Jeep Grand Cherokee at the time. It was a decent rig, but it really wasn't anything special (typical domestic car traits). I liked the VX when I first saw it, but I was pretty much locked in with the Jeep and didn't really think much about switching. After two years with the Jeep, I had got tired of it and decided to move on to some thing more sporty. I ended up with a bright yellow '98 VW GTI VR6. It was a fun little car. Soon after I bought it, I landed a lucrative job in the SF Bay Area and started to mod it pretty heavily. We spent most weekends canyon carving up and down northern California. We had some great times.

    Almost two years ago, the dot-com bubble burst. Inevitably, I lost my job and ended up moving back to Oregon. One frosty January morning, while I was on my way to my dreaded temp job, some jerk ran me off of the highway. By some strange luck, I walked away without a scratch. The little GTI wasn't so lucky. A 360 degree spin and two contacts with the cement barrier left quite a bit of damage. The body shop kind of botched the repairs, and the yellow German go-kart just wasn't the same anymore. Plus, I had become increasingly tired of the watercooled VW crowd, which consisted mostly of young kids with more ego than IQ. It was pretty clear the GTI had to go.

    I toyed with the idea of getting a beater truck. However, being one who loves cars way too much, I couldn't subject myself to that fate. I must've filed the VX away in my subconscious since I first saw it in '97... because it came to me in a dream. The next morning I did a quick search of local lots and found a white '99 Ironman. It needed at least 3k worth of work. Its previous owner paid zero attention to basic maintenance (shame shame). The exterior was quite weathered. While it had only 17k on the clock, the exterior made it look like it had 70k!The dealer gave me a quote of 18k (vs the 24.9k sticker). It sat on the lot for three more months and I talked them down to 16k. It was another month after that before I was finally able to part with the beloved GTI. I immediately contacted the dealer to seal the deal. But, just my luck, someone else had bought it for 24.9K earlier that morning. Honestly, I felt sorry for the guy for playing that much.

    So, after 4 months of waiting, I was back in the hunt again. I found a few nice used VX's, but the asking prices were still too high. Once I found out how much a new one was/is going for, I couldn't justify saving 2k by buying a used one with uncertain history. Several calls to Pugmire Isuzu in GA and the the gears were set in motion... or, so I had thought. Service at Pugmire was painfully slow. I had to live with an extremely boring rental car for almost 7 weeks before my Green VX finally arrived. Now, how's that for dedication?

    When I bought the VX over the phone, I had no idea how the Mica Green looked. I got it for the gray/black interior. It' was either green with black/gray, or black with red/black. During the long unexpected wait, I got very antsy about my color choice. When it finally arrived, I was 200% satisfied and couldn't wipe the grin off of my face. A late model Ferrari was being unloaded from the transporter before I could get my hands on my long awaited VX. A small curious crowd gathered around the transporter in the mall parking lot, and none of them paid much attention to the Italian rocket. Now, almost 5K miles later, I still get bombarded with questions when I go to fill her up. My heavily modified bright yellow GTI never got that much attention.

    Well, that's my VX story. Sorry about the length. I feel like I went through the depths of hell and climbed Mt. Everest to get mine... thought I'd share. Can't wait to get to know all of you and learn all there is to learn about my VX!

    PS-that supercharger looks mighty tempting... should I starve for the sake of having more HP? Wait, what I am thinking?? Absolutely!

  12. #72
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    2001 FoxFire Red Mica VX #0400
    Thanked: 0

    Talking I told him I'd get one!

    Hi All!

    I told him I'd get one, but he said yeah-uh huh...

    Well, when he came home last Thursday night it was sitting in the driveway!

    I saw one awhile ago, and thought it was cool! The hubby thought it was ugly!

    Then I saw that a coworker had one, and I asked him how he liked it. He said he loved it!

    I did alot of research, and as I didn't want something that everyone else has (and I can't afford a Yukon Denali) I started looking for one.

    I found a FoxFire Red '01, with 200 miles (never been titled), and 2 hours later she was mine!

    She is way cool, although the V6 is taking some getting used to...

    I traded in a '94 Bronco, that I think was possessed! :wtfp:

    My summer ride is a '94 Black Rose Corvette... Maybe I need to buy a performance kit??? ;Dp;

    Any way, it is growing on my husband, but he still calls me a space cadet or "alien" - I call it my space buggy!

    Glad to have found you all!

  13. #73
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    '01, Dragon Mica Green NO MORE, 1393 SOLD
    Thanked: 0
    I call mine the lunar assult vehicle. If anyone doesn't like it... to the moon baby!

  14. #74
    Member Since
    Oct 2002
    00 Silver VX
    Thanked: 0

    Well... its Mom's VX.... we got it.... back in March of 01 new... it took the local dealership a little over a year until they could get one.... we saw it, traded in our 96 Trooper for the VX. its silver, grey/black w/ tha 18's! (Bling BlinG! ) We love it so far. its had quite the leaky tranny... but everything else has been ok. Dad still wont let me take it off roading... Im soo curious to see how these things do in the dirt... Our Trooper would tear it up off road. im expecting a lot from this VX! We live in a town of only about 20k people... EVERYONE knows my mom by her car. LoL, She still gets looks in it everyday. The only thing weve done so far is tinted the windows. we had it done professionaly at SolarShield. Its 5% mirror tinting... and with the silver color... it looks pretty good i think. Im trying to talk Mom into an exhaust and maybe a better intake.. not sure what all is avail... just glad i found the site!!!

    -bryan in SOuthern Oregon.

  15. #75
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2 @ 99 Silver 1286 & 2023
    Thanked: 0


    Last edited by EyeWitness : 05/22/2007 at 05:17 PM

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