I started getting hard shifts - mainly from 2nd to 3rd gear - today, and can't really find a reason as of yet. I see that some people have posted about a fuse; is there something in the manual that would tell me what fuse to look for? I guess I'll just start pulling them and see what I find.

One thing that maybe I should mention, since there is talk about a fuse or electrical issue - I was installing another amplifier on Saturday, and it seems that I was having a grounding problem with the power wire. I blew out 4 fuses tweaking the wire, and trying to find the spot where the wire was grounding. Could the grounded power wire and fuse blowing contribute to an electrical issue which would cause the shifting problem?

Any thoughts or suggestions from someone with any mechanical, technical, or automotive common sense knowledge would be greatly appreciated. I scheduled an appointment at the dealership, but I'm hoping I can figure out a simple fix before I go hassle with a dealer.