Originally posted by Yefim
Now I rely on my side mirrors so much that I don't even have the rear view mirror mounted
It fell off on one very hot day last summer and I didn't bother putting it back on since it is useless except for the map lights. I think I am gonna use the remaining power connector to hardwire my V1. [/B]
I agree with hardwiring the V-1 (dangling cords are bait for bored or vindictive law enforcement), but if you use that power source, your V-1 will ALWAYS be on. Better to use a power source from the fuse box that is off with the key. Run the wire up behind the A-pillar trim. If you re-mount the mirror as high as possible on the windshield, it becomes much more useful and you get those cool maplights back.
Rick "Baxman" LaMarche
Supercharged, Dynamated. SCCA Oregon Region rallycross class winner