While filling the gas tank this weekend this beater Ford truck pulls into the pump ahead of me. The passenger door opens and out rolls this 5'3" 210lbs white guy wearing cut off levi's, a white "Nascar" t-shirt, boots, over the calf "tube" socks and sporting huge pork chop sideburns and a beer gut hanging out below the t-shirt. He immediately walks to the front of my VX, stops and stares at it for a couple of minutes. He then steps a bit to the side and looks some more. Then he looks at me and says "what is it"? I tell him its an Isuzu Vehicross. He then turns and yells at his lady to get out of the truck and look at this "thing". They both stare for a while and then he says "thats perdy cool". I thanked him, got in and drove away laughing. The VX got the redneck approval!