Well the Tucson off-road 'venture is now past history. It was only me and vcamilo. It wasn't the quantity but the quality! After an uneventful start, in which we found a mud hole;eekr; and changed the color of our Ebony VX's to a nice shade of red mud, we made a navigational error...uhhh, we were lost! So our rated 3 trail quickly became a 4+ (maybe even a 5 in some places). After V got stuck when he slid into a deeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppp rut (did I say it was DEEP?) we discovered that directing each other through obstacles made them a lot easier! We then conquired some pretty amazing terrain. Our 5 hour trip became an epic 12+ hour adventure! Pics will be up soon! Those who were going to make it missed out... or not depending on how you look at it! ;Dr;