I like to change to something wide like these. Not really that wide but wide. More contact with the road. Something that fits on 18's or 20's that has more rubber though. I live in Chicago so I have snow and crappy streets to deal with and I don't want to have to think about what I'm driving over. Does something like this exist? I'm not sure what to ask if I got to a tire and wheel guy. The experience I've had so far is "How about you get this or that from the selection I have here" The is a Proton and an Ebony that have the same rims I'd really like.

I love these rims, but not enough meat.

I like the width here, maybe a little to wide. But, I think it make my point.

OK, so, is there a combination out there that works? I love to two VXs I've shown here, but can you get tires with more rubber?