Okay...now I figured out what the heck y'all were talking about.

The "TOD" display is showing you a full load on full throttle situations..with these tires... right?...Well they also do this same thing with the stock skins too...they always have...you probably just never noticed it..

This system is designed to sense traction coificients between front and rear tires. On pavement these conditions that go on between the front and rear wheels is subtle. To artificially exagerate this dynamic..just take your VX off road and challenge a very sttep hill and at slow enough speed that you can watch the interaction of an AWD system on the TOD meter. You will notice , by the seat of your butt, as the rear wheels jsut start to spin the "TOD" will load up to meet the increased demand.

It is not magic...it is not even reallly very novel. It simply applies power to the front differencial when "it" thinks it needs it..Think of it as an ABS system in reverse..

As the rear wheels start to spin( as in rapid acceleration) the TOD transfers this torque to the front wheels..these transfers are split second events. Thus, that's why it is hard for us all, except under the slipperest conditions to "light up" all four wheels with this car. BUT, the TOD meter, if you will, senses all this and automatically gets those front tires into the act...

In short its not a problem..... , enjoy these tires...they are IMHO the best

Actually, now that I think of it it is a 2 w/d system that converts to AWD as it senses conditions Now pull that lever on the extreme right and compound low overides the TOD and it stops sensing conditions around it and its a regular 4 w/d. Remembering, of course, that the front differencial is NOT a limited slip/equal lock/ or locking axle variety. The rear diferencial IS...so..I guess you could technically call it a 3 WD plus! Oh..who gives a ship! Still a "on fire" ride with the turning radius of a atv...