hey guys and gals...

My family and I will be driving down to San Diego for an overdue mini-vacation on Thursday, June 24th and head back to the bay area by the following Monday, June 28th. I'd like to meet w/ any fellow VXers on Saturday, the 26th, while we're down there. I plan to bring 3 prepaid skidplates and other accessories to the owners in the area. Be great to see familiar and new faces of the VX family. Let me know if this is good for anyone who can make it.

As an VXC update, I'm shipping 5 skidplates this weekend and have about 13 to finish up. I thought I can finish all by this end of the month. But, it looks like I won't start shipping the remaining batch til the 2nd week of June. I'll be contacting the remaining owners of the prepaid plates for final color choice and shipping address.

Once I finish and ship out all VX accessories, I plan to cram whatever time I can spare into designing and producing new stuff that I have had in mind for a while. Depending on schedule and time availability, I hope to be able to bring the results down to San Diego. We'll see.

Anyway, let's hear from ya'.