Hey Everybody how are you all doing?
Ok sorry for any delays about information about the Calender. I just got off the phone with my Brother-in-Law and since he was having some personal things to take of I decided to go with an outside Printing firm to get the Calenders done. Well today I received a phone call from the printers informing me that all the large photos we were going to use for the Calender could not be used. even though we sent much time and effort resizing them to (300 DPI) reworking the Photos to fit all but 3 were just to small (72 DPI). They explained that when you see them on a moniter the all look great but when you print them they all look disdorted. they will be mailing me a sample to show how they will look when printed. To mine and my partners dismay we had a feeling that would happen. So we have decide to hold off on the Calender. Now I have decided that I am going to just redo the whole Calender from scratch. I will leave the Calender out for this year and focus on getting the Calender done for next year. I will start working on the concept this year anyone interested in submitting photos will have from now until August of this year to show their best pictures. I will be e-mailing Scott the whole Idea to see what his take will be. I am very sorry for letting down everyone. It was a heart beaking thing to see that we could not get it done they way we had invisioned it. My wife did give me her positive view thoguh She said and I qoute " At least now you could do 1 bigger and better" like the ISUZU moto goes " GO FURTHER". So on that note. If you all think I should give it another shot please let me know. Your opinions are all welcome.
Once again I would like to apoligize! If everyone does decide to give the Calender another shot everyone will have to send me their photos or negative so that we could scan them in ourselves which would make it better for us to do all the computer work. My partner told me that it was like taking a Big Rig Enigne and trying to fit in a VX or taking a VX Enigne and trying to fit it in a Big Rig it just wasn't going to work. So if you would like to e-mail me. It's arodriguez28@cox.net let me know your thoughts.