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Thread: NY/LI meet?

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999 silver 1346
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    NY/LI meet?

    Well its here again the autoshow in motion, This is the best car show in town, Not only do they have a nice aray of cars they let you drive them too. Last year i drove the Hummer H2 (off road) and got a couple of timed laps with the vette.Dont get to excited, theres no lambos or ferrari's but they do have mostaly regular cars on the road like mercedes gmc, caddy, chevy and suv's on the road and even the new chevy truck . Id get there early cause the lines for the vette and H2 can get pretty long and they make you drive one car before the vette and an suv before the H2. If anyone has never driven SEC before its a really cool experience, by the way a SEC is sombody elses car

    If a few people are going maby we can have a meet either before or after.
    any takers?

    Heres there link
    Its at the nassau coliseaum in Long island


  2. #2
    Hey Adam I forgot which day you said you were going?
    I'm driving to florida tonight for a week(not in the VX). should be back on Sunday. I registered just in case I make it back on time.
    The Bantan's Relm
    Myspace Page
    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things we care about."

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999 silver 1346
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    Im going definataly on sat but may also go on sunday too!


  4. #4
    I will call you if I get back in time.

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jul 2003
    01 Proton VX.0851
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    When is this taking place? I want to be there, but I work weekends (retail sucks at times).But I might be able to swing it. This would be my first meet w/ you guys. Now if I should go to the meet I would not go into the auto show because it makes me kinda depressed because I know myself all too well & I would want to own quite a few of the up and comming vehicles & knowing that I cant.....well you must know what I mean. This happened to me once before just 2 months after I bought my 1st sports car which I just loved until I saw what was around me at the show . I'm way too happy w/ my VX to let this happen again.But then I know that theres nothing out there like a VX that would make me wanna change. In my opinion , If we were to put a VX in the auto show. it will w/out a doubt draw large crowds to most of those who never seen this"Concept"....Anyway, please let me know when your gonna meet, thx Bruce

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