This is probably not interesting for you residing in the states or elsewhere outside Asia(shipping), but I've decided to change the look of my VX, so I'm going to go for 18's instead. I haven't decided which ones (oem or other)yet, but I'm going to put my lovely OZ's up for sale...
They are not going to be cheap and shipping will cost you an arm and a leg...
So why am I telling you this....well these wheels aren't sold anymore(in black/yellow), and have never been for sale in the US. Which means that they are unique with a huge U.
They would look lovely on a proton or ebony, and yeah you'd even attract more attention(as like you don't get enough already
Ofcourse they'd make the perfect off-road wheels, it would just be a waste to scratch them though....

Since I haven't decided on the price(a factor which relies heavily on my choice of the 18's), I can't give you one , but if you're interested in buying or swapping(the wheels..down boy!) drop me a mail.

PS John, Cyrk and Navigator, I'll send you your stuff at the end of the month...sorry about the delay