;pg; ...Dont know how many of you watched Kung Fu but..
I have some more Questions....
I have a ton of sand around my house and want to TAKE IT IN
THERE!!! So should i just JUMP IN, or slowely wade in?

MONCHA...any tips for applying Van Eyes, I just got them.

Any one have seat covers on they VX's? Any recommendations?
I dont want to mess up the "fine Corinthian leather" in my

I went to the clubvmag site and saw a post about a brushguard,
a fellow vx'er drew it and it was AWESOME....are they still avail,
if so how much are we looking at? sorry i promise ill join the
other board. Also are the running boards, tubes available for us?

What are Nerf Bars? I know what a Nerf Football was.

Tone where can I get an "SS" emblem for my vx?

Scott is it hard to remove the emblems from my Dragon?

Dont mean to be a bother....but I know im in the right place for

Take care have a great day....planning on MOAB!!!