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Thread: Major Attack

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  1. #1
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10

    Angry Major Attack

    After tracing back I found where the culprits had been getting through. After a major redux of the server's operating system and then adding a bunch more security features (Firewalls, alarms, check this and check that) we are back up and running. We were attack from multi sides;

    2 domains were compromised and were allowing outgoing spam. Solved by axing one domain and increasing security on the other.

    We were also hit with several new linux virii and have pretty good suspect info on those where they came from.

    All is good and the server is VERY healthy again. (New hard drive and operating software.

    I apollogize for the down time.
    Scott /

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
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    Scott, without divuldging (sp?) too much info... are we being attacked possibly by someone we may know?

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Mar 2004
    2001, Kaiser
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    I can understand why hackers might want to target outfits like Microsoft, etc. But why in the world would anyone want to attack Vehicrossinfo ?

  4. #4
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10
    The DOS attack was pretty much a given, I had words offline with a young gentleman who claimed, the VX was the ugliest vehicle ever made and his was better. I agreed but, he would not let it drop. After having to block his email address, I hadn't heard from him for some time when I got a spoofed email from someone stating, "Gotcha, npw you know who's better". Long story short, let's just say he needs to learn how to spoof a little bit better.
    As Anita said in the Vmag, he got suspended from college.. Jerk!

    This last big attack will take some more time and effort. Between my and my data center's abilities we should be able to come up with some good leads.. So far the spamming leads are coming out of China.

    I'll keep everyone informed..

    On a side note.. I will be doing quite a bit of maintenance so the site will be up and down for a few days (Mostly late night)

  5. #5
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
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    Poser little titty-baby wanna-be who thinks so small-mindedly that "mine is better than yours" is the best argument they can come up with. If that is the best thing this guy has going on I'd HATE to be him! Can you imagine not having a life outside of hacking sites and thinking it's cool... then going out into public (society) and knowing your presence is moot because you don't know how to get along with people on a personal level... you know, face to face? If they aren't behind a computer screen then they lose their "tough guy" image, you know?

    I think it's HILARIOUS when I see these total and complete nerd, anti-social people... MY AGE ranting on through different websites about hacking, computer stuff, games, whatever... knowing damn well that most of them HAVE to stay in the computer field, in a job where they don't interact with others on a daily basis, because they never learned (or got a chance to learn) how to. Yeah, I'm an IT Manager, yeah I've been in the IT field for 7 years, and yes I have had to work with people EXACTLY like this! In fact, one guy pops into mind from my last job. He was in his early 40's, a AS/400 programmer for YEARS, lived with his mother in her house, drove an '82 Toyota pickup, wore clothes that he got from work (had the company logo on it) and probably made $80k or more a year... I SWEAR he must have been burying his extra money in coffee cans in his backyard. I little strange as he didn't really interact with people well on a personal basis, but he never had to... he had been stuck in a cube, programming his mainframe language for who knows HOW many years. He was a nice guy mind you, just a little on the quirky side... not to be compared to the complete troll who hacked .info.

    Whew... sorry for the rant. These types of people (the person(s) who hacked this site) are annoying at best, but don't really deserve much time in our thoughts. This is the only way for them to get attention because they can't go out and attract people with personality alone... they don't know how!

    </rant off>

  6. #6
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    I think you don't understand the script-kiddee phenomenon. From Scott's limited description, he was just an over-excitable, "regular" kid. He got a hold of some scripts for spoofing mail and DoS'ing a website and tried to use them with no expertise and probably very little inclination to gain any. It is very unlikely that he would have grown up to be the future equivalent of your AS/400 guy. Rather, he's probably got more in common with the stereotypes of fraternity members than he does with the "living in mama's basement professional programmer" type -- you've heard the phrase - young, dumb and full of ... machismo, just like so many other teenage boys.

    As for computer (or more generally techincally-oriented) guys with bad interpersonal skills, you really ought to read up on Asperger's Syndrome, particularly the research about people who are even higher-functioning than the average Asperger, but still not what society currently considers normal. As a potential manager of people like that, you'll get a lot more insight into how their brains are functionally wired differently than yours.

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    Whether it be the one kid responsible for everything that happened or different people, it doesn't really matter. I generally summing up the somewhat anti-social crowd that has nothing better to do than initiate this type of behavior over the net because, in general, they don't get along with people easily in person.

    Sorry if this upset you in any way. I'm not trying to. I have no problem with working with, on a business or personal level, people like the "AS/400 programmer" I described. I think it's interesting seeing how others "tick"... in fact, I've always thought my best value was my personality, including my ability to deal with all other types of personalities down to a personal level. That being said, whether it was a punk kid or an adult, people that spend all their time on their computers looking for ways to ruin others good work have no place in my time.

  8. #8
    Member Since
    Mar 2003
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    Glad to see you back on line, I did panic a bit when I tried to get to the site over the last week or so. Why people do things like this which really only wastes time is beyond me. One guy who used to work for who was of the fists first school of diplomacy did have a point at times.

  9. #9
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10
    Originally posted by Dallas4u
    whether it was a punk kid or an adult, people that spend all their time on their computers looking for ways to ruin others good work have no place in my time.
    And me, I just love busting them when they do ruin others' work or try to assault our babies!

  10. #10
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    2000/Kaiser Silver/0550
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    Unhappy Sorry I'm late with this...


    Just caught up on the goings-on. Sorry to hear about the attack. But, I'm glad all is back up again.

    Maybe ya need to put some 'Anti-hack" spray on the server(s).

  11. #11
    Member Since
    Jul 2004
    2000 Black VX 0363
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    Well now that the kid has been found and booted out of college, his little bout of misjudgement will stick around with him for the rest of his life. If he IS planning on working in IT or technological field, he'll have a really hard time, because major infractions (causes for being kicked out of school) are put on your permanent record. So basically the kid has a rap sheet now.

    GG kid, you're a real douchebag!
    2000 Black VX 105k

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    If the kid is in college he should understand what's legal and illegal, right and wrong. He's still alive, so obviously he's made some decent decisions up till this point... I'm assuming he knew he was doing something wrong and chose to do it anyway.

    His decision = his consequence.

  13. #13
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    2000 Ebony VX #263 ****** VX-2 My weekend car
    Thanked: 7


    The kid that got in trouble was from an earlier attack that was not so serious. Scott is still tracking the person responsible for this last destructive attack.
    2000 Ebony #263
    Original Owner- love her too much to part with her.

  14. #14
    Member Since
    May 2002
    2000, Proton Yellow, VX, 0584
    Thanked: 10

    Lightbulb Email back up and running

    I've restored the email accounts (including unread email prior to the crash) emails for the contributing members. All of the passwords are the same as before and you should not have to change anything to be able to access. If your mail is having problems let me know.


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