Well I made it, and then there was the welcoming commitee to greet me 3 more hurricanes, had no power or internet for a few days then got busy at my Job. You guys should have see the look on the faces of some rubber neckers when I flew by them. Then there were those that speed up to catch a glimse, cause they thought the trailer was pulling itself since the trailer was bigger than the VX.I Saw a few accidents on the way, which took me a total of 24 hours. Started out doing 55mph as suggested by the U-haul manual for a 6x12 trailer. I soon figured at this rate I would never get there, so I averaged 70 most of the rest of the way. I discovered that I got better handling & MPG at 70mph with cruise control. The weight of the trailer and contents was about 4700lbs, 300lbs over the load bearing limit for that trailer(sh, don't tell) I did not think I had that much stuff. I did not switch drivers, (is that a record?) there were a few scary momments, and I vowed never to do it again. Here are a few pics: