I just (less than a week ago) had the fuel regulator and Fuel pump replaced under warranty and yesterday it stalled twice on start up. They are replacing another part. One question I have is about injector cleaning. When I bought my VX used I took it to the dealer to have an oil change and check the vehicle out. They suggested since I purchased the vehicle with 30k miles that I have the injectors cleaned, throttle body cleaned and decarb the engine to the tune of $279. Soon after that another shop suggested the same job on my wifes minivan. I took their suggestions and did both services. I since have been running injector cleaner through the VX every 15k miles and I always use supreme fuel. The next oil change I had a different tech suggest I have the same thing done, when I told him I had just done this 3 months prior he then said Oh OK. Now they are suggesting I do it again, less than a year from the first time. Is this a new scam to get people to drop more than the cost of an oil change. I am only 30 years old, but I have owned many different cars and never had anyone suggest cleaning more than every 30-40k miles and it has always cost about $80 to clean before, now it is more expensive and more frequent.