Check this out .....last Wednesday Im at a light here in town next to a Sheriff, and im checking his car out cause my neighbor is a sheriff, when......all the sudden down comes his window and he's yelling something at me. So I put my window down and he says "what kind of Vehicle is that?" So I tell him and he says "Ive never seen one before, thats really sharp"....I said thank you, about this time the light was changing so we got moving but it was so cool.....
I've also had a few friends say they have seen a silver VX in Pensacola just recently. I know the owner I talked to her before I bought this one.

Heres a question for everyone...I emailed a mod list from the guy on our board Im sorry I dont remember his name, but when I got it I couldnt open it? I have Adobe Acrobat too, and use a Mac. Anyone else use a Mac, anyone else have trouble with it?

Anyone know why they stopped making the VX? Do they still make it in Japan?

The Dragon has left the building.....