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Thread: This ever happened to you???

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jan 2003
    2001 Dragon Green 1067
    Thanked: 0

    Thumbs up This ever happened to you???

    Check this out .....last Wednesday Im at a light here in town next to a Sheriff, and im checking his car out cause my neighbor is a sheriff, when......all the sudden down comes his window and he's yelling something at me. So I put my window down and he says "what kind of Vehicle is that?" So I tell him and he says "Ive never seen one before, thats really sharp"....I said thank you, about this time the light was changing so we got moving but it was so cool.....
    I've also had a few friends say they have seen a silver VX in Pensacola just recently. I know the owner I talked to her before I bought this one.

    Heres a question for everyone...I emailed a mod list from the guy on our board Im sorry I dont remember his name, but when I got it I couldnt open it? I have Adobe Acrobat too, and use a Mac. Anyone else use a Mac, anyone else have trouble with it?

    Anyone know why they stopped making the VX? Do they still make it in Japan?

    The Dragon has left the building.....

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
    2001, Black, VX, 0781
    Thanked: 0
    They stopped making it because they broke the mould. Seriously, the moulding for the exterior was made out of a material that was only good for about 5,000 units and they pretty much used it up.

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jun 2002
    1999, Ebony, VX, #1679
    Thanked: 3

    Thumbs up

    The VX was from the birth determined to be a limited production vehicle.
    Billy Oliver
    My Sponsors:
    Accelerate3Coaching (PM me for 1 time use 20% off code)

  4. #4
    Member Since
    Nov 2002
    1999,Astral Silver,0889
    Thanked: 0
    Hey Peeps,
    So I guess we are the only people who can say when they made our VXs they broke the mold huh.

    Tony "TDAWG" Rodriguez
    99 Astral Silver 0889

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