The first part of last April I ordered a supercharger from Alpine. John Conchie assured me, at the time, that they would not charge my credit card until the product shipped. He lied. They immediately charged my account without shipping anything. I phoned repeatedly over a period of time, requesting that they refund the amount charged. Each time they said they would, but never did. Mr. Conchie finally admitted that they had spent my money, and didn’t have enough in their account to make a refund.
However, he promised to pay me $100 to compensate me for the interest I was paying on my credit card. Another lie. I eventually got tired of the constant B.S. and had to call the bank to dispute the unauthorized charge. I am still waiting for the $100. The last time I called, Mr. Conchie gave me some crap about having to check with the secretary to see why they hadn’t sent the money. I am not posting this to bellyache about a lousy hundred bucks; but because I think some of you might like to know what kind of a company you are dealing with.
Personally I would not buy their products now at any price. I prefer not to do business with any company that lies to and jerks their customers around like John Conchie. If they make a promise they should keep it. It is that simple. I also question the viability of an international corporation that doesn’t have a couple thousand dollars in their bank account.