It must be love between me and my Dragon VX....

This weekend my wife and I drove down to Annapolis from Northern New Jersey for a wedding, and we left the VX behind (I just got her XM and we wanted to play with it on a decently long drive, plus her car us MUCH better on gas, though not as much fun to drive) and I MUST have been going through withdrawl.

Last night I had a dream that I was helping to test out a new personal tent system that you could stow in your car. Basically it all folds up into a tiny little pouch, you hit a button and then boom! -- it unfolds into a one person tent that sits on a metal rack about six inches off the ground. I guess it's for all those times we all get stuck in a snow drift and need a place to sleep.

I guess it's really for all the non-VX owners cause I can't imagine getting stuck in snow.

What can I say, I was dreaming.

Anyway, we were testing it out a few yards away from my parked VX. We were actually up on a little ridge, so I was a few feet above my Dragon and could look down onto the roof.

So some guy rolls up with what looks like a professional car paint gun, jumps into my VX, and proceeds to start painting the INTERIOR this bright sky blue. I know because I can see him painting the inside of all the windows first.

So of course, what do I do?

I jump down onto the roof to save my baby. And that's when he takes off driving.

I'm not exactly sure how he could see, considering the windows were all painted, but he did a pretty good job of trying to lose me. But never fear truebelievers, I hung onto that VX for dear life.

I wish I could tell you how the dream ended, but my wife's alarm went off soon after. All I know is my VX is sitting in my driveway right now, with wonderfully clear windows, and for damn sure next time we go on a road trip, the wife's car stays behind.
