I just stopped in a local Isuzu dealer and was shocked (SHOCKED!!!) to find out that changing the front and rear axle oil and transfer case oil was recommended already and would run me $240 on its own. ;eekr;
This doesn't include the oil change, tire rotation etc. The counter guy seemed to have never written up an Isuzu before (new guy?) they are a dodge dealer, and he was quoting me a standard 4x4 axle service rate.
I said "Are you sh#ttin me!!!???"
I'm going to go somewhere else, to get another quote, but just wanted to check with you guys on the prices.
Is the 15,000 mile service really going to cost me over 300 or 400 bucks? Is that what all you guys and gals are paying at 15,000? That's like 1/3 of my mortgage, 1/2 the price of a new computer, over a months worth of groceries, a car payment and a half on the Vehicross!
Geeez! The truck's almost brand new!!!! How could it need so much work?
Is there a smarter way here?
I was just blown away, my jaw hit the ground. I was expecting like $100 to $150 and dreading that.