Joe- Will do (although I'm usually in a rental car, can't stand that long drive getting down there).

How 'bout Royal Purple oil (it's what I used this past weekend). Do you really think it sucks? My engine sure seems quieter.

To be honest I'm one of those guys who's always a sucker for something expensive, exotic and hard to find (hence the VX). Someone could probably put a big stinky turd in a fancy purple package, sell it as the best car wax in the world for $30 a container and I'd probably buy it and give it a try. LOL ;Dp;


T2P - My VX is dark red like yours and started out in your area (Pittsburg) as a corporate rental/fleet car, if you can believe that.

It had very low miles and most of the miles went on in the first couple of months. I figure some executive got it for giggles on a long trip. It made its way back to PA (I'm the third owner) via a bank vice-president (real nice guy) who kept it in a rented garage in Boston and didn't drive it very much at all.

I'm lucky to have found it.

P.S. - Sorry I think I strayed way off topic.