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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #136
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by t2p
    yeah ......... vote for Hillary Clinton .........
    the possibility of that is *truely* frightening ......
    they (dems) better find a better candidate .........
    I don't want to sound like a sexist or racist, and believe me, I am not... but I just don't think the country is ready for a woman (Clinton) or somone of a different race (Barack Obama... who I believe is part Kenyan decent). I'm not saying I personally would care... I just vote for who I like... I just don't think the majority of Americans would.

    Sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but I believe it's the truth.

  2. #137
    Member Since
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    Unification time?

    Originally posted by jimbo
    P.S. Isn't it weird where this thread has gone?
    Nah - pretty cool really. We've hit on just about everything - almost like a real conversation... at a party.... after he tequila has been broken out...

    Hey is everybody through with this baby? Anybody want to air out another subject? We're almost at 10 pages. I was thinking if everybody's finished beating this horse we should lock it otherwise we're going to get sucked back into it when somebody comes along months from now and sees something they take offense to - and believe me - we've got something for everybody in this jewel.

    Another thing I was thinking is that we should end on a good note - something we can all agree on.

    How about if we get Denee to put up another pic as the last post in this thread, then lock it down and throw away the key?

  3. #138
    Member Since
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    Hillary's a woman ?!!!!!!

    How could I have missed that.

    Seriously, there's no way we're gonna run her. On the democrat blogs we're already talking about needing a southern semi-religious type, like John Edwards.

    Either that or a hip-hop artist.

  4. #139
    Member Since
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    Another thing I was thinking is that we should end on a good note - something we can all agree on.
    How 'bout:

    We all have Vxs!!!!

    We rock!!!!!!

  5. #140
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by Dallas4u
    I don't want to sound like a sexist or racist, and believe me, I am not... but I just don't think the country is ready for a woman (Clinton) or somone of a different race (Barack Obama... who I believe is part Kenyan decent). I'm not saying I personally would care... I just vote for who I like... I just don't think the majority of Americans would.

    Sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but I believe it's the truth.
    I'd vote for President Condoleezza Rice in a second. If Bushie had ditched Cheney in favor of her he would have gotten my vote this time. I would have felt bad voting for him but it would have set her up for 2008.

  6. #141
    Member Since
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    I felt Colin Powell would have made a great pres .....
    and I feel he would enjoyed universal support

  7. #142
    Member Since
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    Well, depending on their platform, what about a McCain/Rice ticket??

  8. #143
    Member Since
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    Looks like this thread could use a laugh, check out this lesbian democrat who voted for Bush, (check out her football & kiss test) SHE GETS IT
    It's the love child of a Hummer & SLK, uniquely rugged & SLeeK

  9. #144
    Member Since
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    How 'bout Colin Powell, Condees too much like Bush.

    No wait!!!! ......

    John Stewart, he'd probably win!

  10. #145
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    Hillary's a woman ?!!!!!!

    How could I have missed that.

    Seriously, there's no way we're gonna run her. On the democrat blogs we're already talking about needing a southern semi-religious type, like John Edwards.

    Either that or a hip-hop artist.
    OMG - tell me you guys aren't running that smarmy bastard again. I've seen him in person when the cameras aren't rolling and he's a slimeball. He can't even win his home state. We call him Clinton Lite. I would rather see President Snoop Dogg. With Dr. Dre as V.P. With a platform of...


  11. #146
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by Dallas4u
    Well, depending on their platform, what about a McCain/Rice ticket??
    Sounds good to me. I prefer Rice/McCain though...

  12. #147
    Member Since
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    It was very educational to read this thread. I have my own view on things just like all of us, so it is not in my heart to try to move my opinion on other people. I believe time will show everyone wether they were right or wrong. However, there is a couple things I would like to say to my fellow VX'ers and others:

    1) All you young people 18-28 who didnt vote, I wish you to have a good time in the desert sands when you get drafted in about 6-9 months.

    2) All of you hard working Americans who have been working so song and hard, putting money away into social security and trusted uncle sam to help you out when you can no longer work, kiss your hard earned money goodbye, W spent it on Cheneys new bio heart.
    Oh yeah, now you will have to work extra 5 years to retire. Tough luck!

    3)At least when the stock market crashes in 6 months and the US economy goes under, I will no longer have to pay mortgage, or will I?

    Ok, then, comments are welcome, back to digging my bomb shelter.

  13. #148
    Member Since
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    He can't even win his home state
    You have a point there. Maybe it will be Hillary.

  14. #149
    Member Since
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    Valenki - you'll have to step it up a notch if you want to get a rise out of the veterans of this thread. We're jaded from the bunker busters and you toss that marshmallow into the room??? Get outta here...

    Last edited by SlowPro48 : 11/05/2004 at 02:03 PM

  15. #150
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    You have a point there. Maybe it will be Hillary.

    What if he and Bill swap wives - they're probably into that - and we have a John Edwards/Hillary Edwards husband wife Dream Team.

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