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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #151
    Member Since
    May 2004
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    All you young people 18-28 who didnt vote, I wish you to have a good time in the desert sands when you get drafted in about 6-9 months.
    Whew! I'm glad I won't be 18 for five years.

  2. #152
    Member Since
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    valenki .........
    c'mon .......... how about some optimism ....... look forward .......... don't look back ..........
    we just went through a recession .........
    an attack (on our home soil) ........
    the market dropped ..........
    we are now out of recession - the economy is growing
    the market is up
    we have liberated Afghan - defeated the Taliban ......
    'purged' 75% of Al Queda .....
    and are in the process of liberating Iraq ..... and bringing and end to the Hussein regime ......
    this sounds like some sort of a staged political ad ........

  3. #153
    Member Since
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    What if he and Bill swap wives - they're probably into that - and we have a John Edwards/Hillary Edwards husband wife Dream Team.
    Yeah, two southern democrat lawyers sharing power. Maybe they could invest together in a land deal that goes belly-up, then John can get a hummer in the oval office .....

    No wait ... we already did that!!!!

  4. #154
    Member Since
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    c'mon .......... how about some optimism ....... look forward .......... don't look back .......... we are now out of recession - the economy is growing
    the market is up
    we have liberated Afghan - defeated the Taliban ......
    'purged' 75% of Al Queda .....
    and are in the process of liberating Iraq ..... and bringing and end to the Hussein regime ......
    I'm George W. Bush and I approved this message (LOL)

  5. #155
    Member Since
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    Hillary Clinton is bad news. Lots of baggage - and it's not pretty.
    Edwards is a lightweight - barely one term and little else.
    Obama (or whatever his name is) is in the same class as Edwards. Very little experience.
    Why does no one mention Joe Biden ........ ???
    Maybe they need to look for a Governor. Clinton had a solid rep as a Governor. Yes - he had baggage - but he had good experience and was a skilled politician.

  6. #156
    Member Since
    Jul 2004
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    then John can get a hummer in the oval office .....

    Do you think it would fit through the door...? Oh... Uhhh... nevermind....

  7. #157
    Member Since
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    jimbo ........ I think I picked that up during one of the debates ....
    I also picked up on some of the Kerry statements ......
    had to look up a few names ..... and .. son-of-a-gun ... it appears he was on to something. Sheshinki ..... yeah .... that's the guy .... Rums and Wolf dismissed this guy ....... ditto with White (former head of the Army I believe) ....... they dismissed their estimates on the number of troops it would require to secure Iraq ..........

  8. #158
    Member Since
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    Ok, then, comments are welcome, back to digging my bomb shelter.
    "How deep does that have to be anyways?" ... I say while getting my shovel out of the garage.

    Chin up my friend. Things will work out somehow. At least Bush has to deal with his own messes now.

  9. #159
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by t2p
    Edwards is a lightweight - barely one term and little else.
    He's a good lookin' guy though isn't he? Got a real pretty mouth....

  10. #160
    Member Since
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    jimbo ........ I think I picked that up during one of the debates ....
    Huh? I think I missed something?

  11. #161
    Member Since
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    He's a good lookin' guy though isn't he? Got a real pretty mouth....
    You're cracking me up - very funny!

  12. #162
    Member Since
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    Does Anita really have to read through all this garbage?

    Hi Anita!

  13. #163
    Member Since
    Jul 2004
    2000, Kaiser Silver, 0196
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    Garbage? Man this is classic stuff. Three and a half years from now when the economy's humming along, there's a hydrogen pump at every gas station and Bush is spending all his vacation time in France where they love Americans (because things worked out so well with the Middle East peace accord of 2006) you'll look back on this thread and think "What was I so worried about? It all worked out in the end! I think I'll vote for Condi and Hillary!"

    OK guys I gotta go. My girlfriend just called and said there's a spider as big as a tennis ball in her basement. If I don't get over there quick and rescue it, it's a goner. It's been fun chatting with you. Have a good weekend!

  14. #164
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
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    Special thanks to slowpro48, Jumbo, and especially t2p.

    The only one thing that I would like to say is that:

    1. we didnt really liberate Afganistan, we have somewhat liberated Kabul, the capital by giving them as much alcohol and money as they need. Every day in Afganistan in villages and smaller cities us military dump trucks are giving away money and boose to all who wish for it to keep the peace.

    2. The Taliban are still feeling well, they make about 80% of the Worlds heroin supply with their friends Mujahadeen.

    3. Us pilots try not to fly over Afghanistan unless they really have to because there are thousands of US made stinger missiles throughout Afghanistan.

    4. The weapons for money exchange program has been somewhat successfull, a couple weeks ago some Afghani dude brought in a dump truck of Soviet and US made RPG's.

    5. When Soviets occupied Afghanistan, they built schools, markets, hospitals dambs, communicatoins and other things. Their forces were spread throughout Afghanistan, US forces are mostly in Kabul. In the 80's the Soviet Union engaged the crasiest fanatical Islamists. Those Islamists were poorly trained and funded until the US came in and helped them out with weapons, training and money. The Taliban and Usama gang were trained by the CIA, this shouldnt be surprising to anyone. However those crasies dont know how to do anything except pray, grow heroin, point and shoot. THey dont know how and dont want to do anything else. It was going to be only so long until they turned on the US because they need someone to struggle with.

    US Populatoin ~300Mil

    Muslim Population in Middle East: ~ 800Mil

    When Joseph Stalin had to decide after WWII wether he would attack China beacuse of the Manchurian problem or try to join it under the communist cause peacefully he asked math professors to do some research for him. They counted that if they used every single machine gun in the Red Army and started shooting at a line of Chinese people, the line would reproduce and there would be no ending to it.

    Now About Iraq.

    Not much to say here, except for a couple things.

    1) I have a lot of respect for elder Bush. When he had the world behind him in 91 and not even the Soviets would say anything, the coalition troops were already in the steps to Iraq he decided to invade BECAUSE THERE WAS NO EXIT PLAN!

    2)Russia has Chechnya , we have Iraq. Similar and different at the same time. Both places Superpowers are fighting Islamists. They have been fighting for 10 years to keep their country in one piece. What are we fighting for? Black gold?

    MOST IMPORTANTLY: Iraq didnt have WMD's but other countries do or about to have them and they hate US: Iran, North Korea and other axes of evil. Let me remind you that they ahve not signed the Nuclear non-preliferation treaty meaning they can sell nuclear bombs to anyone: Usama, Zarqawi or Homer Sompson for that matter. One of those explodes over Washington DC, LA, NY, Boston, we'r done.

    If we win in Iraq are we going to Syria, N.Korea, Iran next?

    Which I doubt Doctors without borders have pulled out of Iraq saying quote: "becoming too unstable" Our coalition is getting smaller and smaller.

    Now, hang on there almost the end. We have 2/3 of our military in Iraq. It has gotten so bad that we are pulling troops from Germany and N.Korea and National Gard is getting more and more involved. Peoples pay is getting cut back and tours of duty are being extended. Less and less people wanna be in the military since it's not worth having your brains shot off over 50 Grand for college. .

    So, with our military so stretched out, what happens if we get attacked by an unforseen enemy?

    :homer: have you got any different globus?

  15. #165
    Member Since
    Feb 2003
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    we have only have 2 inches of top soil left...........
    the corn flakes are falling off the pop tarts too....

    Bush fockers......he is in bed and has been with everyone responsible for the bad ****e going on in this will get far worse now with him on his Nazi stand with the power of Hitler...just wait.

    and while your in your misery...he will continue to be on his vacation..but as he says "You would be amazed at what you can get done with a telephone and a fax machine"

    if you voted for Bush..that's ok, because I vanceled your vote out;Dp; I want nothing to do with Bush, except end his reign.

    which only close to being outdone by his father.
    Last edited by SPAZZ : 11/05/2004 at 04:45 PM

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