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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #16
    Member Since
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    Hot off the press as of 3:30 pm Nov. 3rd

    Like all the rest of these good ol' boys, Mr Bush is a Fraud, Fraud, Fraud!!!!!!

    Is this how you well to do boys who earn every penny make money? "Not I", said Curious George.

    I sorry Mr. Yankeeman, deys is gonna go to da jail wif de other edumucated folk.

    Business - AP

    Five Execs Convicted in Enron Barge Case

    16 minutes ago Business - AP

    By KRISTEN HAYS, Associated Press Writer

    HOUSTON - A jury convicted four former Merrill Lynch & Co. executives and a former midlevel Enron Corp. finance executive of conspiracy and fraud Wednesday for helping push through a sham deal to pad the energy company's earnings.

    The deal involved a bogus sale of interest in power plants mounted on barges to the brokerage at the end of 1999 so the company could appear to have met earnings targets.

    A sixth defendant, a former in-house Enron accountant, was acquitted. Sheila Kahanek testified she consistently opposed a verbal promise that the government contended made the deal a loan — that Enron would resell or buy back Merrill's interest within six months.

    Those convicted of conspiracy and two counts of wire fraud were: Daniel Bayly, Merrill's former head of investment banking; James A. Brown, former head of Merrill's asset lease and finance group; William Fuhs, a vice president who reported to Brown; Robert S. Furst, a former manager of Merrill's relationship with Enron; and Dan O. Boyle, a former Enron finance executive.

    The verdict came after 21 hours of deliberations that began at the close of six weeks of testimony.

    The barge deal isn't among the numerous alleged financial machinations that pushed one-time Wall Street darling Enron into bankruptcy in December 2001, as a web of accounting maneuvers to prop up its books unraveled.

    But the government contends the barge deal was an example of many illegal accounting schemes Enron used to pump up its appearance of financial success.

    The barge case marked the first time Wall Street bankers were charged with active participation in a criminal Enron scheme.

    Witnesses said the defendants — and others not charged — agreed to participate as a favor in hopes of gaining more business from Enron, then a lucrative client courted by banking titans.

    Merrill avoided prosecution last year by acknowledging that some employees may have broken the law, cooperating with investigators and implementing reforms to prohibit dubious year-end deals. In March 2003, Merrill paid the SEC $80 million to settle civil allegations that involved the barge deal without admitting or denying wrongdoing.

  2. #17
    Member Since
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    Mr. Crowley,
    It sounds to me like you are a victim of your defense. All that you have is personal attacks on my President.

    Since you're such a brain child, let's hear all about how you would "fix" this great country of ours.

    Tell me how you are going to bring the people together.
    Tell me how you are going to take care of the economy.
    Tell me what you would have done about the terroist attack. Would you have sat down next to the P*ssy French wimps and waited for the United Nations.

    Go on, tell us all of your grand ideas...................

  3. #18
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    I was just trying help you out, sorry that you took offense.

    I read a lot books in getting my MBA, real estate license, all my State insurance licenses, pilots license, yep also read some books in OCS and once again did I say what side I was for No. I think what I was trying to get across was save the Sob Story for Oprah.

    Now if you want to talk about VX mods and cool things about the VX or about favorite off road spots I 'm all ears.

    Hell if you need help finding better employment I'm also here.

    I apologize that I have low threshold for whining and people playing blame game.

  4. #19
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    I might if I have time later tonight. One thing you said stands out. French wimps.

    Did you know France lost 3.5 million young men in WW1 fighting for their freedom? Have we ever come close to losing that many? No. If we add up ALL our casualties ever, will we reach it then? No

    Did you know that France has been our ally for over 200 years?

    Did you know that right now as you bring your mental knife to the gunfight, France is in and around Japan having a joint naval- marine exercise along with the US, British, Aussies, and Japanese to practice naval operations including the scenario of intercepting WMD on a ship destined for a terrorist location?

    I dont know about other "Americans" but dont want to lose an ally like that. Plus, they are the 3rd most powerful nation on earth as we speak.

    When I hear the term freedom fries I remember a whole generation of people like me dying for their "freedom". Ill stop here.

    Take your Freedom Fries and sell them to the Ayatollah that sent you. You are obviously trying to divide and conquer two great nations like Mr. Bush is in the process of doing.

    Oh yeah, aculler toi. Now I hope your pea brain can look that up in a French -English dictionary, although it may not be in there- I dont know, as I didnt need one to say it.
    Last edited by MrCrowley : 11/03/2004 at 02:13 PM

  5. #20
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    You know you arent helping. You are being a smart-*****. You had to directly attack on a post that had none until you arrived in it. Heres a mod. Its a handy rag for wiping that- piss off.
    Take your freedom fry buddy with you. Obviously my graduating from a military academy and working for 16 years cant compete with an almighty officuh. Maybe you too know that if your support troops are getting compromised in Iraq then something else isnt right. Did they teach you guys that in OCS, or just how to brownnose. Did you get tired of getting lost in the woods? I sure did. A 2nd louie everytime. Maybe if you tell me what logistics you handled as an officuh, Ill tell you what I did to serve my country and how I got screwed doing it. Now I dont want the same to happen to others when they return home. Now let your little minds rest. Maybe Ill play later. I am tired of kissing MBA a%% working on getting hired by NASA in December, and the space shuttle back in the air. Oh yeah it was delayed again until May for now. I think tonight I am going to bed reading some norse mythology for a change tonight. Not too bad for a grunt with a bad attitude, is it?

  6. #21
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    this country is in no better shape better shape and is actually in worse shape because of Bush. He has tried to seem as though he passes good ideas, but cuts all possibilities for those to be possible.
    All poor people and minorities that voted for Bush just wasted a vote...all Bush cares about is his pocket and his Middle Eastern Butt Buddies.

  7. #22
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    3.5 years active before OCS.

    Come again?

  8. #23
    Member Since
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    Thanks Spazz. Why are you on the computer when you could be with the new wifey?

  9. #24
    Member Since
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    Please back up your comments.
    How is the country in worse shape? If you're speaking of the economy, please read my first post.
    The only poor folks or minorities that wasted a vote are those that were hoping for hand-outs.
    Please clarify??? It sounds like un-warranted liberal jiberish.

  10. #25
    Member Since
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    What really scares me is now Bush is in office, we have a Republican House, and Republican Senate. Worried yet?

    The chapter just opened for Bush to do whatever he wants....

  11. #26
    Member Since
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    I also will defend the pres ......
    Tax reform ...... 'No Child Left Behind' ........ creation of Homeland Security dept ..... prescription drug benefit for seniors ...... the 'topple' of the Taliban/Liberation of Afghanistan ....... 'topple' of Hussein/Liberation of Iraq .......
    Sure .... there are issues with these accomplishments ...... and other problems ....... but I feel this pres is commited to increase and enhance our well being ......

  12. #27
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    Kudos to John McCain....USNA'47 anchorman

  13. #28
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by MrCrowley
    .....Yes, the economy was starting to decline. He has not done a single solitary thing to fix it.
    What the hell are you talking about?!?! Of course he did something about it - he started a war didn't he? Any economist will tell you war really jump starts a sluggish economy. I can't beleive you're busting on the man's economic plan like that!

    Yes the Bush family is rich thats why Yankee boys moved to TX in the first place. Thats what granpappy wanted for them. Through several corrupt attemps in companies handed down by "daddy" ala Harken Energy anyone? Sure costs the taxpayers.

    Well - if you'll notice - there haven't been very many poor candidates for President or Vice President recently. I guess you're calling into question how he and his family came by the money but I don't see how it's any less noble than, for example, getting an allowance from your mega-rich wife or winning a 23 million dollar settlement against a doctor (who most likely didn't do anything wrong) by "channelling" voices of dead babies to the jury. Sure costs us when it's time to buy health insurance.

    Then proceeded to be a drunkard for 40 years before being " saved" hallelujah!

    Actually this is one of the few things I admire about the current prez. If you come from a family that has had to deal with/is having to deal with alcohol problems, even if you don't like his politics you can at least respect the man for taking control of his life and rising to the position he's in.

    If you want to know more about some of these politicians in TX, just ask. I did work for them for a while, you know.

    So give it up already you big tease!

  14. #29
    Member Since
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    MrCrow .......
    yes - that can be cause for concern ..........
    but I'm hoping for the best.
    'Things are not that great right now - in many areas. We just recently came out of a recession and this country was attacked (in a way it has never been attacked).
    For the prev 20 years, (basically) no one did anything about terrorism. So, 'inaction' no longer appeared to be a viable option. The UN was basically useless. Bush did something.
    Huge mistake - or the correct move ? I don't think anyone at this point can provide this assessment. We do know that 20 years of doing nothing was ineffective.
    I don't fault the 'pre-emptive' strategy. I do fault the planning that was used ..... especially most recently in Iraq .... decisions made by Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. Unfortunately, it appears Colin Powell was very underutilized.

  15. #30
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by BaM*BaM
    No humor intended

    FRODO has indeed failed.

    Hey man - this pic might be a fake. If it were the real Ring wouldn't he be invisible? Or is Sauron visible even when he's wearing it?

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