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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #46
    Member Since
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    again... thoughts on the TAX angle:

    People are called 'RICH" because they already have more money than the can use in their normal everyday life. A TAX cut that is designed to ignite a sluggish economy with more consumer spending, is completely wasted on the RICH, which statistically use their TAX breaks for buying wasted second homes, and increasing existing real estate property values. This is the worst of all possibilities to inspire real economic growth. Give TAX breaks to the middle and lower income segments, and you will get a HUGE economic surge throughout all of the economy.

    The second thing is that people forget to look at this present Federal deficit, as a Federally funded, economic incentive package. That is in fact, what it really is. And for all of the $7.5 trillion already spent (the greatest debt ever created ) by this current administration, our economy has failed miserably to respond. How does ANYONE pump in $7.5 trillion dollars EXTRA, and ABOVE the budget, into the US economy... and still get NO sustainable economic recovery? (the total US Federal Budget for 2004, was $2.2 Trillion dollars)

    I am not sure how you spell "c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e f-a-i-l-u-r-e", but this defines it very well for me.
    Last edited by BaM*BaM : 11/03/2004 at 05:06 PM
    "The USA Is Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill 'Em!"

  2. #47
    Member Since
    May 2004
    No VX anymore. :(
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    Originally posted by V-Twin hiCROSS
    I believe that the "people" have spoken in this election, and we support W's convictions.
    Well, about half of us, anyway

  3. #48
    Member Since
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    international sadness

    Well first of all, congratulations to all those who voted Bush, it was a clean and honest victory.
    My condolences to social and spiritual evolution...

    Back to the middle ages with ridiculous anti-abortion laws and trampling on our fellow gay friends.... in the name of god....which god? Bush is as much of an insult to christian religion as the terrorist are to islam.

    The USA has once again proven to the world why England had done great job in sending its religious nuts somewhere's obvious just can't kill that DNA line

    Your friendly minister,


  4. #49
    Member Since
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    The Arab community in Dearborn,Mi "where I work" wanted Kerry, that should say something right there. I voted Bush.

  5. #50
    Member Since
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    Redline, in real life don't you work for Vice Pres. Cheney, personally, and act as the Intelligence liason official for the Cheney Select Intelligence Bureau, on how to determine terrorist risk assessment potential for the USA?
    You sure convince me!

  6. #51
    Member Since
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    BAMBAM>In real life you have your freedom/If you dont like it in the USA - move to Iraq.

  7. #52
    Member Since
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    Redline, I am free today, because of the great American leaders of our past that could distinguish between a real American enemy, and a corporate business opportunity.

    Today there are many, many Ten's of Thousands of real people, who lived full and meaningful lives, who are now dead because our incompetent leader couldn't tell the difference. And these dead, are but the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.

    The rest of the World relies on each country's government to make this distinction correctly 100%, 7 days a week, all of the time. And any country who does create false reasons to create REAL war upon millions for selfish religious, business and expansionist reasons,... is a rogue, and illegal nation, who the world will eventually unite against.

    The USA consumes over 2/3 s of ALL of the world's resources. Now that we have arrogantly laughed down upon the rest of the whole world, while we go after another full time, all night, gas station for our thirsty country,... We have LOST FOREVER, the great moral high ground, that my family, and probably ALL of your families, have paid for, time after time, again and again, generation after generation, to selflessly make the WHOLE the world a better place for everyone,... not just for a few fat-assed, paranoid, re-born, wealthy American consumers.
    Last edited by BaM*BaM : 11/03/2004 at 07:06 PM

  8. #53
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    I pity some of you. It must be truly terrible to have so much hate pent up inside and to have to carry that around with you every day, blaming everyone else for your problems and therefore drastically increasing the odds that they will never be fixed.

    How silly a liberal looks to everyone else is directly proportional to how impressed he/she is with his/her self, and everything they say about their opposition is surely true about them.

  9. #54
    Member Since
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    a few fat-assed, paranoid, re-born, wealthy American consumers.
    must have hit a nerve on somone! Eh, Bubba? Y'ALL?

  10. #55
    Member Since
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    2001, Black, VX, 0781
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    Originally posted by redline
    The Arab community in Dearborn,Mi "where I work" wanted Kerry, that should say something right there. I voted Bush.
    Yeah, when you have friends and relatives being killed and maimed by your own government, a government that occasionally seems to be casting a rabid eye in your own direction, then why wouldn't you be a strong supporter and rally behind the cause?

    You let us know when you are ready to cast a vote for your cousins to get cholera and a few limbs blown off.

    Originally posted by Heraclid
    How silly a liberal looks to everyone else is directly proportional to how impressed he/she is with his/her self, and everything they say about their opposition is surely true about them.
    That statement is fortified with more than ten times your daily allowance of irony.

  11. #56
    Member Since
    Jul 2003
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    Re: international sadness

    Originally posted by dutchie

    Back to the middle ages with ridiculous anti-abortion laws and trampling on our fellow gay friends.... in the name of god....which god? Bush is as much of an insult to christian religion as the terrorist are to islam.

    The USA has once again proven to the world why England had done great job in sending its religious nuts somewhere's obvious just can't kill that DNA line

    Your friendly minister,

    I don't understand all the posts here talking about religious zealots. I'm a Republican, but I don't regularly attend church and don't preach on the street corner - I do believe in God, but I'm far from a zealot. I don't see Bush that way either - sure he goes to church every Sunday - but guess what this IS a free country, that's what we're all about, he is free to do as he wants in that regard, and I am free to do as I want.

    Trampling on gays? I must have missed that also. I'm not gay, but I don't care if someone is gay - just don't force it on me. That is one of the fundamental differences in Republicans and Democrats - Republicans are conservative, but believe that you are free to believe as you wish. Democrats aren't happy unless you believe as they do, and they want their beliefs to be the only acceptable ones.

  12. #57
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    That statement is fortified with more than ten times your daily allowance of irony.

    See what I mean? Someone thinks they're being mighty clever.

    must have hit a nerve on somone! Eh, Bubba? Y'ALL?

    Yeah, I guess I did with "somone". Probably that "Jewdism" person. :-)

    Raque Thomas, good points.

    Look folks, whether you're conservative or liberal, we may as well find a good stiff breeze, face into it, and take a leak for all the good any of this is going to do. Wanna talk about VX's again?
    Last edited by Heraclid : 11/03/2004 at 08:15 PM

  13. #58
    Member Since
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    Re: Re: international sadness

    Originally posted by Raque Thomas
    I do believe in God, but I'm far from a zealot. I don't see Bush that way either - sure he goes to church every Sunday - but guess what this IS a free country, that's what we're all about, he is free to do as he wants in that regard, and I am free to do as I want.
    I don't see how that in any way contradicts an accusation of zealotry on Bush's part. I mean we are free to be zealots in this country too.

    I disagree that Bush is free to do as he wants in that regard either. Free to go to church, yes, free to pray to his God for guidance, sure, free to justify his actions in the name of the USA on biblical scripture? Not at all. How far he has gone in that direction I can't say, but it would certainly be an inappropriate line to cross.

    Trampling on gays? I must have missed that also. I'm not gay, but I don't care if someone is gay - just don't force it on me. That is one of the fundamental differences in Republicans and Democrats - Republicans are conservative, but believe that you are free to believe as you wish. Democrats aren't happy unless you believe as they do, and they want their beliefs to be the only acceptable ones.[/B]
    Either you have a different definition of "force it on" than I do or you haven't noticed what's been said in the whole gay marriage debate. No queers are going around gving republicans dry-humps and then proposing marriage, they just want to do their own thing, on their own, just like anyone else but that is certainly not what a majority of republican ticket voters were ready to accept in at least 11 states yesterday.

  14. #59
    Member Since
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    See what I mean? Someone thinks they're being mighty clever.

    When you posted a, "I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you," message, someone had to try to make up for the lack of cleverness.

    If you are young and not liberal you got no heart.
    If you are old and not conservative you got no brains.

    The quote is, "Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." and is usually falsely attributed to Winston Churchill.

    A good thing to remember about the quote is that neither of the modern republican nor democratic parties bears much, if any, resmblance to the conservative and liberal being referred to. Both parties are about serving their corporate masters and manipulating their constituents, in other words both parties are about fascism.

    Lest you think I've gone overboard with that statement, listen to what Benito Mussolini, the father of fascism, had to say about the ideology and see just how closely it parallels modern American, "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

  15. #60
    Member Since
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    '99 Astral #1613
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    Bush is no zealot, but he doesn't waver in his beliefs and will not apologize for them, as no one with confidence in their convictions would. Some people just hate that, but I respect that.

    Now THIS is the behavior of a zealot...

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