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Thread: Kerry has conceded

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  1. #1
    Member Since
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    Kerry has conceded

    If anyone hasnt read yet, Kerry as of 10:00am Wednesday has conceded the election. Im glad to see he realized for our own good that dragging a legal battle is against our national interest. He told Bush on the phone he needs to bring our divided nation together. I am glad to see he is more worthy than I had thought, and will think of him as a man of honor and of his word.
    Last edited by MrCrowley : 11/03/2004 at 10:12 AM

  2. #2
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    Yeah. I voted for Kerry, and I REALLY didn't want to see him drag this out if he had no chance what so ever. I went to bed at midnight west-coast time (3am for you east-coasters) thinking MAYBE, just MAYBE there was a hint of something there.

    I'm glad they did the right thing here. It's too bad we are so divided, but what will be, will be.

  3. #3
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    I would not mind if a few of Kerry's plans/ideas were put into action ..........
    I *will* mind if no changes are made in/to this admin .....
    speaking of 'divided' ..... anyone see the John McCain interviews last night ..... conducted by CBS and later by NBC ..... there is one person that may be able to bring both sides together ....

  4. #4
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    I didn't see the interview, but I really like John McCain. He is no suck-up to his party by any means. It seems he goes on his beliefs rather down party lines, and I am all for that.

    I'll tell you the truth...I don't like Bush, and I am not a huge fan of Kerry's either. I'm glad McCain didn't run with Kerry as I'd rather see him running with someone I respect as much as him.

  5. #5
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    Coming together would be fantastic!

    Ted Kennedy
    2000 Black VX 105k

  6. #6
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    I just hope America got what it wanted. More of the same.

    I think the party line should be broken. McCain picking a Democrat VP................maybe Kerry?

  7. #7
    Member Since
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    Kudos to the Kerry camp for not turning into a Gore-a-palooza media fest. It really didn't matter who won though, they're both elitist corporate puppets with no other interest than deepening their own pockets at the expense of the people. Just like 99.9% of any American politician.
    Over 20 years of Isuzu enjoyment...

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by MrCrowley
    I think the party line should be broken. McCain picking a Democrat VP................maybe Kerry?
    Hmmm... I think you may be on to something there.

  9. #9
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    I cant think of any candidates past or present that would ever be able to beat them combined, or be better at the job. There are a few individuals I could think of that are stronger individually, but not combined. Quayle anyone? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
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    All right, if no one else is going to defend our president, I will.
    If you believe that George W. does not have our (the country's) best interest at heart, you need to take a step back and focus on what has happended in this country over the past few years.
    First, the economy was in steady decline at the end of the last administration, not due to a President's actions, but due to over-savvy investors that seemed to be willing to pay way too much for anything that was related to "technology". This problem cannot be fixed over night, but the economy is definitely building back to its potential. As for jobs leaving the country, it is not W's fault that businesses take full advantage of the lower wages in other parts of the world. It only makes business sense.
    Next, we were devastated by the actions of terrorists that would like to kill you, and every member of your family. W's actions after that brutal attack, were in pure rage and retaliation to the Middle-East governments lack of global defense. Basically, if those governments were not willing to crush the cells of terrorists (and in some cases were promoting them), then we (the United States) were determined to put our country's fears to rest.
    Yes, the Bush family is rich, and yes there was certainly some part of W that wanted to "redeem" the Gulf War that his father pursued, but he also had almost every Americans support to go and kick some terrorist ***. The young soldiers that are there signed up to defend and fight for our nation. I am forever indebted to them for that. All reports that I have seen, show that the men and women fighting for our country overwhelmingly support George Bush.
    I agree that there are some (which is too many) politicians that are only looking out for themselves. But, I truly believe that the majority are trying to do what is right for our country. Now, every person you talk to has a different idea of what is "right". So it only makes sense that it will take time and effort to come to any consensus. I believe that the "people" have spoken in this election, and we support W's convictions.
    Hale to the Chief.

    Sorry for the rant.....

  11. #11
    Member Since
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    Thumbs up

    Good post V-twin!

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    I was going to abstain from a comment, but dont want any delusions of grandeur for my nemesis.

    No he doesnt have our interest at heart. He is involved in some glorious Crusade waged in his own religious zealout head about what is right and wrong. He is the biggest brainwashed wanna be yankee cowboy ive ever seen.

    Yes, the economy was starting to decline. He has not done a single solitary thing to fix it. He wont now that he is reelected, either. If history record holds true. No, jobs wont be miraculously created, either. He is doing what he does best. Looking dumb and hangin out in Crawford, TX ( near Whacko, TX) like he did for weeks and weeks the first 3 1/2 years while Greenspan figures it out.

    Jobs are going overseas why? Because big business money men like himself benefit from this. Its called the Bubba system. Why do you think Halliburton got a contract in Iraq? Hmmm.... I havent seen one Halliburton employee beheaded. Why? You dont let your logistics get compromised. Where did I learn that? Fort Bragg. If only our military leaders could learn this from their history ala Russian Winter to the Germans circa WW2 and several other times in history. The bubbas dont want to lose profits.

    Yes, we were devastated in NY, but if I went to the ghetto tomorrow and started waving a gun around telling lowlifes to do what I want, and I want a cut of their business, how long would it take for me to get whacked at home asleep at night. Tip- dont go to war with people who dont care if they live or die, or if their loved ones live or die.

    Yes the Bush family is rich thats why Yankee boys moved to TX in the first place. Thats what granpappy wanted for them. Through several corrupt attemps in companies handed down by "daddy" ala Harken Energy anyone? Sure costs the taxpayers. he finally did something at all in life after dodging the draft via a former Lt. Governor of TX " a family Bush friend asking me to let little georgie porgie in the air guard so he can fly like his pappy" Then deserting, then moving to Alabama and coking around on some politicians campaign. Then proceeded to be a drunkard for 40 years before being " saved" hallelujah! You want a man like this to send your loved ones to spill their guts in the desert? If its not good enough for him. Id like to see the Bush girls over there right now if thats the case. If you want to know more about some of these politicians in TX, just ask. I did work for them for a while, you know.

    What state was Enron based out of?

    Who was Governor and had political buddies all over Austin in the years up to their bankruptcy?

    Who tried to hide it in the Blackout a few years back while state regulators did nothing? Who was regulating the regulators?

    Hail to the Theif.

    Someone please dont rant on Kerry. I only liked him a little more than Bush.

    Dont keep blowing sunshine up my tailpipe about Bush- I just got started.

    The people didn't speak. 50% said no....

    The next Bush rant will warrant a bunch of poop on his entire cabinet with the exception of Colin Powell who I do respect somewhat.

  13. #13
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    Awww Lets get a charity started to raise money for poor hillbilly Mr. Crowley so he can get on the road to recovery from a debilitating illness called "Income Envy"

    Foot note

    Big business sends business oversea's because they will to work
    for a lower wage and still have pride in their work.

    Adn most manufacture and Tech jobs are lost to increases in technology in which machine and computers are taking over those jobs not out sourceing. Finally maybe its time for people to strive harder to get a higher education and not settle for factory or union labor jobs.

    I had nothing handed to me in life nor do I blame anyone for my short comings.

    Buck up Stop whining!

    I am finished

  14. #14
    Member Since
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    No humor intended

    FRODO has indeed failed.

    I only hope that the floods of body bags that are about to descend upon the World, contain only the sons and daughters of these Republican Jesus Nazis, that brought this administration of the damned, to its Power in the first place.

    I will save my compassion for it's victims.
    "The USA Is Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill 'Em!"

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    Hey Hummer boy, whats wrong, your stablemate not able to take criticism?

    If you cant come up with anything but personal attacks buddy, piss off. This is an enlightened area- all I see is your spark fizzling.

    Go read a book- you might learn something.

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