Originally posted by SlowPro48
I'm too ignorant to know for myself - *for sure* - how living beings - or anything else for that matter - came into existance
I, too, feel the same way. My post was to show just how ignorant people can be. Single track minds, not open to any other way of thinking... again, it's incredible that people still think this way.

I have a hard time figuring out how someone believe so overwhemingly in the Bible and it's teachings yet believe in evolution, or that living beings were created through an evolutionary process. As Brent stated below, Adam and Eve with belly buttons? I know... that's a far one.

I admit I am agnostic. I'm open to hear anything, but lean one way. I believe there was a Jesus Christ, and I believe he has had followers up till this day. I'm not trying to say I know enough about ANYTHING to factualize any theories out there... I tend to believe scientific fact. You're right, Science cannot prove "Why", but nothing can from what I can see. In my eyes, Science is trying with it's How and When everyday.

I respect religion. If that's what some people need then I'm all for it. I don't want religion to rule my life, though.

Originally posted by PBR
...it looks like its a prerequisite to be a nut case before you buy a VX
Ehh... you DO own a VX, correct?