There are groups out there and they target children. This has now happened to a friend and nephew in different parts of the country. A lot of people do not understand that homosexuality is a plague - while the gay community would like us all to believe that they are almost identical to heterosexuals when it comes to being a family unit, there are a lot of them that do not commit to one partner.

In the not too distant past, there were bath houses frequented by gay men and there were a lot of "anonymous" sexual unions taking place. In fact, this is why AIDS spread so quickly among the homosexuals... One man could have sex with twenty different partners in one day... And lets be frank about what they are doing to one another - sodomy... That is just plain disgusting. And yes, my nephew is now off the deep end - I have seen a great change in his life even if he is blind to it. I don't care about adults hanging around homosexuals - I am concerned about children doing the same.

I also believe Homosexuality is a choice - in fact, I compare it to alcoholism - except it is worse because a lot of homosexuals refuse to believe they have a problem and try to tell the world that they don't. What frightens me is that it is working... They need to realize that it is a problem and seek help. I am here for anyone seeking to remove themselves from this type of situation. I love all my fellow man and want everyone to be happy. I just know that wickedness never was happiness...

And here is the truth about marriage. I know it is true - I have asked God and he has told me that it is true - you can do the same. If you do not believe in God, then I don't understand why - because this Earth is a huge testimony of His existence. The first marriage was performed by God uniting Adam and Eve - it was an Eternal marriage - one that was not broken by the bonds of death. Later, this ceremony became secularized and the term "Until death do you part" became a part of the ritual marking that the marriage was not really recognized by God.

And I am tired of the whole "open mind, closed mind" argument. This is used by everyone when they do not have any other way of winning an argument. I have enjoyed reading everyone's opinion here (except when name-calling enters the fray) and I will continue to enjoy debating and talking with anyone about these deeply significant topics. I love hearing another's take on these matters and hope that everyone will continue to do so without making it a personal attack.
