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Thread: Kerry has conceded

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  1. #11
    Member Since
    May 2004
    2001 Foxfire Red 1306
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    Good to see you stopped in again. I guess this thread's like a bad car wreck, everyone just has to take a peek now and then.

    1) I can't speak for the other guys but I don't "hate" at all. It bothers me that people keep thinking that. We are just discussing things and I personally have had fun and made a few friends (I hope). I also don't think I am particularly emotional about these things, although I have always been very opinionated.

    2)The religion thing seems to be at the root of why some people (me included I guess) really object to this administration. The country seems very divided as to whether religion should have anything to do with public policy.

    I've watched peices of Bush speeches to born again christian groups and it seems to me that unless he is simply pandering (doubtful) he actually believes that his presidency is a calling from God. He seems to have acted on this belief.

    I know many born again christians (my family background) and they seem very happy (thrilled even) and feel quite safe with bush as president. Secular friends who are more like me are very, very uncomfortable with someone like that in the white house. This is why I guess it has come up so much.

    3) I don't think posters like "Bam Bam" who wrote about "Empire" meant Bushes empire.

    They meant America's empire. Basically many people object to us using the "war on terror" as an excuse for running roughshod over the world, trying to remake governments by force to be more like "us".

    I personally am not sure whether this is a problem or not. It sure hasn't helped our image in the world. I think American's are despised more than ever, but perhaps more respected.

    I think the thread has run its course and will attempt to shut up now.

    Like I said before it has been fun.
    Last edited by jimbo : 11/11/2004 at 08:02 PM

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