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Thread: Kerry has conceded

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  1. #11
    Member Since
    May 2004
    2001 Foxfire Red 1306
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    Jimbo: Another example : Some states in the south might even today vote away civil rights for blacks and setback racial equality if the federal government and courts let them do it.

    Slowpro: Simply unbelievable.... Where do you come up with this shyte, Mr. Fearmonger? I give up. You are beyond the fringe. Give my regards to your sources on the dark side of the moon or wherever it is they reside...
    Again you are missing the main point I'm trying to make about the dangers of putting "rights" issues up for a popular vote rather than handling them in the courts at the federal level.

    My point is not that this will happen, setbacks in racial equality. I think you misread me again. I was using it as an example.

    Besides: you have to admit the statement I made is probably true today in some parts of the country. (comon you know it is)

    Put it up for a vote whether blacks and whites can marry, same as the gay lesbian thing that just came up in 11 states, and it would fail in some places.

    More importantly there WERE laws on the books making inter-racial marriage illegal in many places up until the civil rights movement of the 60s. If it wasn't for the "activist" courts (brown vs board), and the Johnson administration's subsequent legislative efforts there might still be laws against interacial marriage, integrated schools etc. (well, unless someone else came along and tackled the problem)

    In other words if we just left these decisions to the states.

    The main point is that similar issues (gay marriage, abortion etc.) are likely to get kicked back to state legislatures in the coming years if the federal courts (especially the supreme court) become more conservative.

    And it's likely that they will become more conservative now.

    Then there will likely be a large descrepency between states. Abortion will be legal in Pa, illegal in West Virginia. Gay marriage legal in California and Mass., illegal elsewhere.

    We could have the same craziness that currently exists with the death penalty. Kill someone in a drunken barfight: in California you might walk free in 15 years, in Texas you fry.

    We could see wide variations between states on all these "rights" issues. I don't think that would be good.

    Storm TROOPER -
    yin-minded peterpan=paranoid child

    See Im learning
    Last edited by jimbo : 11/15/2004 at 05:08 PM

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