All right, if no one else is going to defend our president, I will.
If you believe that George W. does not have our (the country's) best interest at heart, you need to take a step back and focus on what has happended in this country over the past few years.
First, the economy was in steady decline at the end of the last administration, not due to a President's actions, but due to over-savvy investors that seemed to be willing to pay way too much for anything that was related to "technology". This problem cannot be fixed over night, but the economy is definitely building back to its potential. As for jobs leaving the country, it is not W's fault that businesses take full advantage of the lower wages in other parts of the world. It only makes business sense.
Next, we were devastated by the actions of terrorists that would like to kill you, and every member of your family. W's actions after that brutal attack, were in pure rage and retaliation to the Middle-East governments lack of global defense. Basically, if those governments were not willing to crush the cells of terrorists (and in some cases were promoting them), then we (the United States) were determined to put our country's fears to rest.
Yes, the Bush family is rich, and yes there was certainly some part of W that wanted to "redeem" the Gulf War that his father pursued, but he also had almost every Americans support to go and kick some terrorist ***. The young soldiers that are there signed up to defend and fight for our nation. I am forever indebted to them for that. All reports that I have seen, show that the men and women fighting for our country overwhelmingly support George Bush.
I agree that there are some (which is too many) politicians that are only looking out for themselves. But, I truly believe that the majority are trying to do what is right for our country. Now, every person you talk to has a different idea of what is "right". So it only makes sense that it will take time and effort to come to any consensus. I believe that the "people" have spoken in this election, and we support W's convictions.
Hale to the Chief.

Sorry for the rant.....