Originally posted by BaM*BaM
Where do these dumb hillbilly, Carl Rowe attack dogs come from, who can do nothing but comment about how much their own buttes stink.

Contrary to popular belief, hillbilly's come from Idaho, not Kentucky, and I normally don't talk about it when my butt stinks - I do something about it - we have finally graduated to toilet paper from the Sears catalog, and have actually installed indoor plumbing.

Try coming up with something like how your own more evangelical moments from a vision of your god really will save the world!

If you read one of my earlier posts you would have noticed that I don't consider myself religious, and I don't attend church regularly. I don't expect God to save me - that's something you have to do for yourself. The Government's job isn't to take care of you and make sure that you have everything your heart desires.

Or how there really was great intelligence in spending $7.5 dollars above the federal budget, and still have a dead economy... Or that the WMD's really Are there in Iraq , but until we all take vows in christianity, god will not let us see them!

Can't comment on the deficit other than to say that yes, war is expensive. As to the comment of the "dead economy" I'd have to challenge you on that one, as the econonomy is definately improving - maybe you ahve a Democrat govenor in Idaho? WMD's, I'm really tired of that argument. We had intellegence that indicated the weapons, or the capability to produce them was there, everyone agreed to go in - now that they have not materialized, Democrats want to say they had no part in the decision to go in. I don't care if we never find them, I don't care if they were never there - we still did the right thing by going in and taking out a self confirmed enemy of our county who ruled with tyranny and harboured our enemies. Of course at the end we've got to throw in the God thing again. Where does this come from? All Republicans are not holy rollers, just like all Democrats are not dumbasses.

This attack dog mentaltity, that has no meaning. Is this all that these republican fools can create. Republicans, please stop being idiot response attack dog . Try using big words and explain how all of the lost USA allies are going to return to the USA's side, because jesus told them to.

This is a very ironic statement - look back at the posts i nthis thread - which side has the attack dog mentality, with words that have no meaning? Until this post, I was attempting to present my case in a rational manner, and not attack anyone who does not believe as I do. When you are looking back at those posts, look at the theme of who thinks everyone should believe as they do, or they are dumbasses. I am free to believe as I do, and you are free to believe as you do. I am free to try to convince you to see it my way, and you are free to try to convince me of your viewpoint - that's what this country is all about. The attack mentality and name calling is not a neccessary or welcome part of that process - and I invite you to examine the origins of that mentality (Politics - Democrats). I for one, am finished with this thread, and wish you well.