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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #91
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    how the hell can they explain a platypus
    Everyone knows platypuses are created by homosexual relations.


  2. #92
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    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;Dp; ;Dr;

  3. #93
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    I think that God is a 3D animator - if you have ever played around with a modelling program, you can totally come up with some bizarre characters... Thus the platypus...

    I do not believe in Evolution - it is the single most annoying piece of garbage I have ever had the misfortune of studying. I do believe that the Earth was millions of years in the making - but I believe that the formation of the Earth was directed by divine intervention. The dinosaurs roamed free for millions of years and then were removed to be placed on the next planet project...

    Show me a half-man, half monkey in the world today and I might just give evolution a second chance... I do believe in micro-evolution - I just don't see how two apes can spawn something human... Most "creationists" don't realize that the book of Genesis actually speaks of two separate processes - the spiritual creation (planning in a sense - seven thousand years) and the physical creation (seven time periods - millions of years).

    And yes, Adam and Eve had belly buttons... If you do a little studing, you will even find out that Darwin made a lot of the garbage up and recanted on his death bed - even he was surprised at how willing the scientific community was to take in this misinformation - but man has always wanted to do away with God so that he could assuage his guilty conscience.


  4. #94
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    Re: The Philosopher Kings

    snippage of Original post by jimbo
    It seems to me a battle is going on worldwide between two competing philosophies. At the root is the question as to whether the personal freedoms and secular beliefs that we have gained in the past hundred years are a good thing or the cause of unhappiness and moral decay.

    I think the culture of the individual coming first and the absolute separation of religion and government (even given the problems it has created) is the best thing that has ever happened to the world. I don't want to see anything take it away.
    HaHa!!! Well I've seen it all now. A link to Lyndon LaRouche's website on the VX board. What's next - John Birch Society?

    Jimbo, you seem sincere. Maybe you're a true seeker of knowledge. I am too. I love to read and ponder and listen and ponder and talk and ponder and... well you get the point. Drives my girlfriend crazy...

    Here's my take: The root grows much deeper than you think....

    You're right - there is in fact a battle going on between two "philosophies" - but the battle is not "worldwide" - it goes beyond that. The "world" (i.e., universe) is like a giant train rolling down the tracks. We as passengers can get out of our seats and move around a little but we're all headed to the same place at the same rate. The battle is not limited to the three dimensions in which we're free to move or even to the one dimension in which we don't have freedom of movement (since we're all hurtling through it in the same direction at the speed of light). No, the battle is being waged outside the train.*

    While on this train ride, you have time to ponder, to make decisions, to meet and talk to people about what's going on outside the train, etc - but your journey will soon come to an end, and you will then be expected to leave the train and go on to your final destination.

    Unfortunately, many red herrings have been dragged through the woods to keep you - you personally - from thinking about the true nature of this battle. This very website may be one of those red herrings. Politics and conspiracy theories are certainly among those red herrings. Politics leads just about ALL of us dogs off the path at one time or another but it's stench is not the strongest. Secular Humanism is one of the biggest, fattest, stinkiest red herrings of them all and it has become so thoroughly entwined with left-wing politics that one can't tell them apart anymore. I do know one thing though - individual freedom is not part of the Secular Humanist/leftist agenda. The socialists of this world want you to conform to their humanist "world community" value system. Don't do it! If you have to chase a red herring, make sure it's not one that leads you so far off the path that, when you realize you're headed in the wrong direction, you can't get back!

    *Note about the train: If you don't believe there's anything outside the train (beyond the light cone) that affects our reality - and you just can't bring yourself to read anything that hints at th existance of a creator - and from what I can tell, that is the case - then bone up on John Stewart Bell's work.

  5. #95
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    Of course, someone who believes so intensely in religion won't believe in evolution. Formation of the Earth was directed by devine intervention? Wow... I knew there were people that still believed this, but I guess I just haven't seen it in writing yet. Dinosaurs were removed from the planet and placed on another for the next project? Some of the oldest bones discovered, linking to the cro-magnon "man", estimated to be between 34k and 36k years old, those people were just picked up and put on another planet, in another universe, created by God (of course) to be used as another experiment, correct?

    Well, too bad he forgot some of those bones along the way. I know, you don't believe in Science, but much of the "theory" of evolution can be proven with hard facts... you know, besides just a book.

    Originally posted by tiggergreen
    If you do a little studing, you will even find out that Darwin made a lot of the garbage up and recanted on his death bed - even he was surprised at how willing the scientific community was to take in this misinformation
    Almost 100% without a doubt untrue (posted even from the site mind you):
    Last edited by Dallas4u : 11/04/2004 at 03:09 PM

  6. #96
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    This is the belief system that was just voted in,... and the Federal and Supreme Court Judges are coming very soon to make it so

    TOPEKA, Kan. (Reuters) - The Kansas Board of Education rejected evolution as a scientific principle Wednesday, dealing a victory to religious conservatives who are increasingly challenging science education in U.S. schools.

    The 10-member board, ignoring pleas by educators and established scientists, voted six to four to embrace new standards for science curricula that eliminate evolution as an underlying principle of biology and other sciences.

    "Evolution has been removed," board member Janet Waugh, who opposed the new standard, said in a packed conference room near the state capitol. "Instead of Kansas' curriculum having more and more credibility, it will have less and less."

    The board voted on a modified version of curriculum guidelines for grades kindergarten through high school that eliminates evolution as a way to describe the emergence of new species -- for instance the evolution of primates into homo sapiens -- while leaving intact references to "microevolution," or changes that occur within a single species.

    The theory of evolution was developed by 19th-century British scientist Charles Darwin. His discoveries were famously argued in the 1925 "Scopes Monkey Trial," in which the state of Tennessee put teacher John Thomas Scopes on trial for knowingly infringing a law banning the teaching of evolution.

    Defended by prominent trial attorney Clarence Darrow, Scopes was convicted and fined the minimum $100 but the verdict was reversed on a technicality by the state Supreme Court.

    Prior to Wednesday's vote, the presidents of Kansas' six public universities wrote a letter saying the new standards "will set Kansas back a century and give hard-to-find science teachers no choice but to pursue other career fields or assignments outside of Kansas.

    "The argument that teaching evolution will destroy a student's faith in God is no more true today than it was during the Scopes trial in 1925," the letter said.

    Banning evolution from the classroom gave conservative forces a victory after previous attempts to eliminate evolution in states including Alabama, Arizona, Georgia and Nebraska.
    This article is two years old,... but of course that means nothing, when evolution doesnt exist!!

    And people wonder why Europeans call the war with the Al-Queda, as the U.S.Christian Taliban vs. the Islam Taliban?

    Notice to BOTH of you,... I AM YOUR SWORN ENEMY!!!!
    "The USA Is Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill 'Em!"

  7. #97
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    This thread has now EVOLVED to evolution, which is more interesting. Isn't it interesting that there are 3 types of great apes just as there are 3 races of humans, maybe the creator was practicing with apes first, maybe he should have QUIT while he was AHEAD.
    It's the love child of a Hummer & SLK, uniquely rugged & SLeeK

  8. #98
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    Originally posted by Dallas4u
    Of course, someone who believes so intensely in religion won't believe in evolution..... <snip snip>... Well, too bad he forgot some of those bones along the way. I know, you don't believe in Science, but much of the "theory" of evolution can be proven with hard facts... you know, besides just a book.

    I'm too ignorant to know for myself - *for sure* - how living beings - or anything else for that matter - came into existance but your blanket statement is untrue. I know plenty of very smart people who are intensly religious and believe that living beings are/were CREATED via an EVOLUTIONARY process.

    When it comes to the evolution debate, a major sticking point is that people tend to forget the role of science is to determine the How and When of the process but it can never answer the question Why. We humans always have to ask that question though don't we? For thousands of years the Jewish people have answered the questions Why and Who through Genesis1 and Genesis2.

    Do you think it's fair to try to verify Genesis with carbon dating or any other scientific technique - and declare it nonsense because it doesn't square with the fossil record - the When and How - when it's real purpose was to answer the questions Why and Who?

    Conversly do you think it's fair to say the science of evolution is invalid because it CAN'T answer the question of Why there is life on earth?

  9. #99
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by StormTROOPER
    This thread has now EVOLVED to evolution, which is more interesting. ..........
    Yeah we're hitting all the hotbuttons aren't we? Pretty soon we'll be talking about synthetic oil. Oh wait! The intake thread has already evolved into an oil-fest!!!

  10. #100
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    When I was a very young teen, I spent 100's of hours reading and studying about how Germany had ever come to commit the atrocities of the Holocaust. (yes, I know that the true Bush Leaguer Believer, does NOT believe that the Holocaust ever really happened).

    Germany at that time, was the most well educated country on the face of the Earth. .. More literate, and college educated than even England, USA, and France.

    Yet, when the Zealous True Believers took over the legislature and the courts of Germany,, all of mankind's thousands of years of science, and rational thought went down the toilet

    And the World was wrought with the Deaths of the many many untold millions...

  11. #101
    okay, im probably gonna tick someone off here, so skip this if your the sensitive type..

    the only reason ANYONE recants anything on their death bed is because their dying, even most athiests dont want to take a chance that their wrong when they might have shot at eternal bliss, rather then facing the fact that they just might only end up as fertiilizer...... I respect religious beliefs, but the idea of "poof, instant world" sounds about as nuts to me as evolution probably does to those who are religiously inclined..

    But this is about politics anyhow right? interesting stuff here....ill add my 2 cents, and keep it short...

    we just reelected the government that gave us the worst employment record, highest debt, worst environmental record, lousiest world relations in the history of our country, among other things..and holy cow, HALIBURTON... ugh..were going to find out some very disturbing things unless they get away with the coverup..
    For the first time in the history of the US A we elected a leader based upon fear rather than strength,....Im not a huge kerry fan BTW, i disagreed with allot of what he proposed, but holy cow, .We allowed a failure to perpetuate, ARE WE NUTS???
    i hope im wrong..but the truths a real b#$tch sometimes.. im going to invest in some gold and silver..just in case our economy collapses ..
    99' Ebony VX sold...

  12. #102
    Member Since
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    I don't see why religion and evolution have to be so mutually exclusive. Evolution is really just survival of the fittest, and the fittest naturally are more successful at passing along their genes. Part of our problem as human beings is that we have come to a point where we have been able to largely circumvent that system. There are a whole lot of people out there today who just couldn't make it on their own. Given a very extended time frame to work within, I think evolution is perfectly reasonable to a degree, and I think it does nothing to disprove that there is a God.

    I've seen some interesting discussion here on the Constitution so I'll toss in a a few thoughts...

    The Constitution does not guarantee anyone the right to vote. States appoint electors to the electoral college and the electoral college selects a president. It just so happens that the states all chose to allow a popular vote to determine how their electoral votes will be awarded. However, the electors in any given state are under no constitutional obligation to throw their votes to whomever wins the popular vote. It would be totally constitutional for the state of Florida to hand-pick only Florida VX owners to be its electors, for instance, and those VX owners would have every right to throw their votes to Tone Monday even if the CEO of Jeep won the popular vote in Florida by a wide margin.

    The word democracy is never once mentioned in the Constitution. This nation was not founded as a democracy, and our founding fathers, in their great wisdom, actually sought to avoid it. Democracy is three wolves and a lamb deciding what's for dinner.

    I would go so far as to say that there should be more restrictions on who can vote. Nowadays any ignorant fool who doesn't follow politics until the presidential debates can go to the polls without a clue and help determine the fate of a nation when they spend most of their time not giving it a second thought.

    Here's something to read and think about. Alexander Tyler wrote the following about the fall of the Athenian republic:

    "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

    How true it is.

  13. #103
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    panoramic pageant of poop

  14. #104
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    After reading this thread, it looks like its a prerequisite to be a nut case before you buy a VX, I have not read such paranoid political drivel ever before.

  15. #105
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    I'm not touching the evolution argument.

    To the person back several posts who had me chasing stinky turds and fish on a train: I just knew putting a link to Larouche's site was going to come back to haunt me.

    Religion and politics on the vehicross board. Who'd have ever thunk it.

    I just know God created my VX.

    P.S. - I don't know what that thing is beside BamBam's posts but it keeps hypnotizing me. Cut it out man! (LOL)
    Last edited by jimbo : 11/04/2004 at 04:21 PM

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