Originally posted by Dallas4u
Of course, someone who believes so intensely in religion won't believe in evolution..... <snip snip>... Well, too bad he forgot some of those bones along the way. I know, you don't believe in Science, but much of the "theory" of evolution can be proven with hard facts... you know, besides just a book.

I'm too ignorant to know for myself - *for sure* - how living beings - or anything else for that matter - came into existance but your blanket statement is untrue. I know plenty of very smart people who are intensly religious and believe that living beings are/were CREATED via an EVOLUTIONARY process.

When it comes to the evolution debate, a major sticking point is that people tend to forget the role of science is to determine the How and When of the process but it can never answer the question Why. We humans always have to ask that question though don't we? For thousands of years the Jewish people have answered the questions Why and Who through Genesis1 and Genesis2.

Do you think it's fair to try to verify Genesis with carbon dating or any other scientific technique - and declare it nonsense because it doesn't square with the fossil record - the When and How - when it's real purpose was to answer the questions Why and Who?

Conversly do you think it's fair to say the science of evolution is invalid because it CAN'T answer the question of Why there is life on earth?