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Thread: Kerry has conceded

  1. #106
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by SlowPro48
    I'm too ignorant to know for myself - *for sure* - how living beings - or anything else for that matter - came into existance
    I, too, feel the same way. My post was to show just how ignorant people can be. Single track minds, not open to any other way of thinking... again, it's incredible that people still think this way.

    I have a hard time figuring out how someone believe so overwhemingly in the Bible and it's teachings yet believe in evolution, or that living beings were created through an evolutionary process. As Brent stated below, Adam and Eve with belly buttons? I know... that's a far one.

    I admit I am agnostic. I'm open to hear anything, but lean one way. I believe there was a Jesus Christ, and I believe he has had followers up till this day. I'm not trying to say I know enough about ANYTHING to factualize any theories out there... I tend to believe scientific fact. You're right, Science cannot prove "Why", but nothing can from what I can see. In my eyes, Science is trying with it's How and When everyday.

    I respect religion. If that's what some people need then I'm all for it. I don't want religion to rule my life, though.

    Originally posted by PBR looks like its a prerequisite to be a nut case before you buy a VX
    Ehh... you DO own a VX, correct?

  2. #107
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by Maverick
    "poof, instant world" sounds about as nuts to me as evolution probably does to those who are religiously inclined..
    What is your alternative to "poof, instant world"? Can you give us a beginning of the universe scenario that doesn't sound nuts? It doesn't matter if you leave God in or out of the picture, it always sounds nuts because reality IS nuts.

    If you went to the circus and saw a man pouring wine from a bottle that never ran out wouldn't you wonder where all that wine was coming from? You see the equation e=mc squared all over the place but have you ever really thought about it's implications? Where did all the e come from? And since c is a constant, e and m are interchangable. Is that not nuts?

    Do you believe the moon is there when you're not looking at it? Because science says it's not. Poof, instant moon. People need to at least try to wrap their minds around some basics such as Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation instead of just scratching the surface before they give up and say "it's hard - just too hard to think about these things - i'll just make up my own reality instead - and it's going to be composed only of what my senses can detect."

    Originally posted by Maverick
    For the first time in the history of the US A we elected a leader based upon fear rather than strength,....

    It would have been the same had Kerry won - he was just using a different set of fears to motivate his base.

  3. #108
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    I'm not touching the evolution argument.
    Dude, we're stepping it up another notch - forget about evolution - we're talking about reality itself now. Has this thread got legs or WHAT!!!!????

    To the person back several posts who had me chasing stinky turds and fish on a train: I just knew putting a link to Larouche's site was going to come back to haunt me.

    uhh.. that would be me but i guess i wasn't very clear if you thought i was talking about turds. i assume you know what a red herring is. do you not know how the term originated?

    P.S. - I don't know what that thing is beside BamBam's posts but it keeps hypnotizing me. Cut it out man! (LOL)

    He's trying to brainwash you. It transmits text from LaRouche's website straight to your retina!!!

  4. #109
    Member Since
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    There are good scientific ideas that address the "whys" (the selfish gene theory for example) but folks that ask "why" aren't neccessarily looking for scientific answers.

    These answers make them feel the "specialness" of being human isn't being respected.

    In this case the answers aren't answers for them.

  5. #110
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    Slowpro - LOL - funny.

    Wasn't the red herring from a mystery story, sherlock holmes or something, and it sort of morphed into a metaphor for something that leads you off the trail?

    I get it man - LOL (stinky turds - you slay me);Dp;

    I agree with a lot of what you said.

  6. #111
    Member Since
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    I don't believe in Science??? I am totally a believer in science and I believe God works through science and that he understands science perfectly.

    What I am saying, is that if you pursue a false path in science, you will end up with false results. If we want to improve our technology in any area of science, we have to follow the truth. Macro Evolution is a lie. Adam and Eve were literally offspring of God (which is why they had belly buttons). That is also why they were immortal and why there had to be a tree with forbidden fruit. If God really didn't want them to eat the fruit, he wouldn't have placed the tree there in the first place.

    And yes, I believe in Eternity - which is something that very few can really comprehend. There are planets being formed and organized right now in varying stages of progress that will eventually house more children of God. We are here for a purpose - to gain a body and learn how to become more like God. This is a test for all of us to see what we will do with our lives. It is all very logical.

    If you truly want to have a debate on macro evolution - I am ready for any of your arguments. It is just very sad to me that this "THEORY" is thrown around as if it is fact. God does not need to work through macro evolution. Macro evolution is embraced by people who want to disprove the existence of God. If you do believe in God and the Bible, then you shouldn't believe in macro evolution.

    And of course dinosaur bones were left behind after millions of years of existence - why wouldn't there be? I'm just saying that they were placed here for a purpose in order to prepare this planet for our eventual arrival.

    The truth will set you free...


  7. #112
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    There are good scientific ideas that address the "whys" (the selfish gene theory for example) ....
    selfish gene theory = still an answer to How

    science will never be able to answer Why because that is not it's job

  8. #113
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by jimbo
    Slowpro - LOL - funny.

    Wasn't the red herring from a mystery story, sherlock holmes or something, and it sort of morphed into a metaphor for something that leads you off the trail?

    Actually i think there are several theories but they all center around dragging a herring around to throw dogs off the trail of something they are following. Some say the technique was used to train fox hounds to follow the fox scent better and not get distracted. Others say it was used by fugitives from justice running from bloodhounds. Either way the herring (which is red when cured) was used to lead dogs astray.
    There you have it.

  9. #114
    Member Since
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    selfish gene theory = still an answer to How
    It's a why to me.

    Why does a rock drop when I let go of it? Gravity is enough of a reason.

    Why life? DNA has a strong tendency to replicate.

  10. #115
    Member Since
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    Dinosaurs existed for millions of years had plenty of time for new species to change/adapt/evolve plenty of evidence in fossil records. Man has only been on this planet for a few thousand,Yes that includes early man>our descendents. Belly buttons on Adam and Eve, that's funny.:laughp:

  11. #116
    holy crap, i have to explain the origins of the universe now?? no one told me there was going to be a test!!!
    id be happy if i could figure out how Albert came up with e=mc2 , smart man he not even going to attempt to define the origins of everything, sadly, it is beyond my meager capabilities..But i think theres a better explaination than "Poof!! " well figure it out eventually..

    Reality is not the problem, its perception..our perception is based upon our upbringing, opinion, fears, and experiences, and teachings...weve been tought to trust our leaders, some hold this so dearly that they refuse question them...i dont.. i asked questions..i didnt like the answers i found when my questions turned to Bush.. In every lie, there is some small bit of truth, i added those bits together and man, are we in trouble...but thats just my perception, others feel differently, and i hope theyre right...
    Last edited by Maverick : 11/04/2004 at 08:14 PM
    99' Ebony VX sold...

  12. #117
    Member Since
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    Yes Maverick ... we most certainly are in trouble.

  13. #118
    Member Since
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    I like religions, except when people try to convert me when I didn't ask in the first place.

    Anyways, whoever thought of VX's design and followed through gets my faith.

  14. #119
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    I'll say this about all you Bush lovers ...Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.

    Bush will screw up this country worse now than ever before...and take even more vacation days ever in history beating the record held by...HIMSELF

  15. #120
    Member Since
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    I agree with you.

    Spazz, I thought you and I would never see eye to eye. I agree with with you on this 100%.
    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

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