Originally posted by SlowPro48
Just wondering - how do you make the determination that a person is closed-minded and not worthy of conversing with you if you don't listen to them. Can you tell just by the bumper stickers on their car? Or the political signs in their yard maybe...?

See? You just aren't listening. If you read my response it didn't say that I don't listen, just that I realize it's often a waste of my time.

Yeah - what could they possibly know? It's a total waste of time for an open-minded person such as yourself to talk to closed-minded individuals.

I guess I'm just really stupid because I learn something from practically everybody I talk to. Even the ones who are not receptive to my views.

I've wasted countless hours talking to closed-minded people who never seriously considered anything I had to say. It comes to a point where what little you may learn isn't worth the effort.