Animals and homosexuality - I don't care. I would never compare ourselves to animals. Animals have no morals and do not belong in a comparison to human behavior. In fact, I would say that some people go so far down the tube as to become animal-like and that is not a good thing.
"Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure" - this is saying to me that no matter how educated someone gets and says that he is so much more enlightened - this does not mean that morality will prevail. In fact, there are some very evil people who are very well educated. Education in and of itself is not an indicator of morality. George Washington knew this. Please tell me how morality can exist without religion? If you do not believe in a higher power, why be moral? Where is the reward for being moral? I would say that if I did not believe in God, then I would be a far different person - if someone got in my way, I would remove them - if lying would get me closer to the top of the pack, then I would do so. My religion helps me to be a better citizen.
Look at France and the French revolution for what happens when a mass of people lose sight of God...