(Slowpro) As far as "the point" you've been trying to make - you started out bashing Bush and his administration (and I don't blame you for that!) but the more you talk, the more I'm of the opinion that your angst is actually caused by conservative Christians and their beliefs and Bush just happens to be their figurehead and thus the focal point of your anger.
You have a tendency to try to psychoanalyze everything. I've been around long enough to know there's no point in going down that road.

I've never picked apart your posts and metaphors (the train et al) and tried to somehow discount your arguments (and in the process miss the point entirely)based on your personal beliefs, mistakes in logic or flaws in who you quote or how you say something.

It's as if you believe if you dig deep enough you can figure out why somebody holds the beliefs they do and then you can go "Aha!" and put them in a box with a label like "liberal with a grudge against christians". Then if you could only bring said "liberal with a grudge" around to understanding this "angst" that they have you could help them recover from their ungrounded delusions and the argument would be settled.

Come on man, you can do this kind of analysis with anybody if you get to know them well enough. Half the time you would be totally wrong (it's probably not that simple) and the other half it wouldn't matter at all as far as the main points of the argument are concerned.

It gets in the way of the logic.

It just makes the discussion personal.

I was just trying to say something pretty simple and straight forward:

A prevoius poster said the reason Kerry lost was because of Michael Moore. (that he attended the convention)

I was trying to say that if Kerry was aligned with Michael Moore, Bush is like-wise aligned with Jerry Falwell and his kin. These folks seem equally as extreme, prone to stretch their case and hostile in their approaches and messages.

I just don't think it was real likely that large numbers of swing-voters voted against Kerry because Michael Moore was at the convention. Nor do I think large numbers of folks voted against Bush because he is aligned politically with Jerry Falwell.

I hope that's clearer.

Take care, it's the weekend yippee!