Well, Jimbo, I gave that one a few hours but it looks like the fish aren't biting today so here's my real response...

Originally posted by jimbo
You have a tendency to try to psychoanalyze everything. I've been around long enough to know there's no point in going down that road.

I've never picked apart your posts and metaphors (the train et al) and tried to somehow discount your arguments (and in the process miss the point entirely)based on your personal beliefs, mistakes in logic or flaws in who you quote or how you say something.
I'm not trying to psychoanalyze you and I'm not trying to push my views on you any more than you're pushing your views on me. I DO have a tendency to pull for the underdog though - and if I see someone bashing someone else's beliefs in an unwarranted fashion then I'll say something about it - even if they're not my beliefs.

If you post inaccurate info and attempt to pass off false quotes in order to make someone else's beliefs (religious or otherwise) look silly - I'm going to call you on it - and I'd expect you to do the same for me. It's called peer review. BTW, if you've got a problem with my space-time as train metaphor, then derail that sucker - please! It was generated rather hastily for this thread and sounded good at the time but if there are flaws I won't ever use it again.

Originally posted by jimbo
It's as if you believe if you dig deep enough you can figure out why somebody holds the beliefs they do and then you can go "Aha!" and put them in a box with a label like "liberal with a grudge against christians". Then if you could only bring said "liberal with a grudge" around to understanding this "angst" that they have you could help them recover from their ungrounded delusions and the argument would be settled.
So... uhhh.... who's the psychoanalyst....? Look - I am a very curious person who likes to ask questions (that apparently nobody wants to answer) but I don't ask for the purpose of labeling or judging anyone. I'm genuinely interested in what other people think - it's part of the Search For Truth. I feel no need whatsoever to pigeonhole people though. (Other than putting them into the two very broad categories of "Those Who Want To Kill My Joy" and "Those Who Leave Me Alone And Let Me Do My Thing") Are you sure you aren't projecting..? (jk)

Jimbo, I guess I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have offered up my opinion regarding the root cause of your angst. You haven't spent nearly enough time on my couch for me to have said something like that. I am sorry.

Also...I must confess that it was actually just a cheap stunt to increase the page count of this thread. Thanks for your cooperation.

Originally posted by jimbo
I just don't think it was real likely that large numbers of swing-voters voted against Kerry because Michael Moore was at the convention. Nor do I think large numbers of folks voted against Bush because he is aligned politically with Jerry Falwell.
Agreed. What I want to know is why didn't more people vote Badnarik? And again - I'm not trying to psychoanalyze - I really want to know!!!