OK, my black beauty came home from the health-spa (body-shop) after having her left-front-end T-boned by a DC-area driver.

Next, one week after getting it back, the exhaust system was beginning to make more noise than usual. Finally, a crack in a weld of the exhaust system, near the right side fo the engine, opened-up and made a noise that only a Cessna would love.

My insurance company insisted on having the break re-welded, instead of replacing the part. All seems fine, but there is a noticable "click" associated with the exhaust system that wasn't there prior to the wreck.

Worse, there is a very annoying rattle/squeak coming from the left-rear end of my VX.

A week ago, I had her parked on a level surface, and noticed the right rear appeared to be sagging.

I took it back to the body-shop where they made an adjustment to even-out the rear-end, but were unable to locate the source of the noise (heard only while in motion).

The other day, I again, had it parked on a level surface and thought the rear-end, though level, appears a fwe centimeters lower than the front-end.

I'm an ignoramous when it comes to suspension thingies, but know the VX has unique aluminum shocks.

Any thoughts, ideas, or guidance that I can pass-along back to the repair shop (since the collision work has a lifetime warranty), would be most helpful.