Yeah our safety inspection is kind of warped cause the mechanics doing the inspecting end up doing the work most times. Seems like a conflict of interest.

In tampa area where my mom lives all the convenience stores seem to be a Circle K. They have no snapples, no arizona teas etc. (we have gotten used to dozens and dozens of flavors up here). They have about the same amount of cooler space on average as up here but usually like two or three doors have soft drinks, the rest is beer.

I only notice cause I'm on vacation when I'm down there and end up in Circle Ks a lot.

I'm not sure if having beer so readily available increases the chance of people driving intoxicated. It just seems to me like it might.

I guess the thread's about tickets so I guess I kind of hijacked it.

Sorry. ( I think I was ranting about the what I saw as irony in Fla regarding highway safety)