Last night I did the most stupid thing I could imagine. It was drizzling and the road was pretty wet. I was just out from a party maybe a little too high, I made a 90 degree left turn without stepping on the brakes at around 25mph. My VX started slided and its right front wheel hit curb first then followed by the right rear wheel.

After it stopped, the front alloy wheel was damaged (on the rim about 8 inch long). The front tire (a barely 1 month new Kumho) was miraculously Okay. The right rear ally wheel seemed fine, but the new tire was a flat.

I don't know what I was thinking, but it was stupid stupid stupid.

My question is how I should deal with the accident? Maybe both wheels and tires need to be changed (not sure). I'll call my insurance agent tomorrow. But should I order wheels directly online or I should goto the dealer? I just found that 18" alloy wheel costs something like 340 bucks online, and I'm pretty sure if I goto the dealer, it would be much more expensive. So what should I do here? I changed my tires at Discount Tires 1 month ago so I think I'll go back there for 1 or 2 Kumho tires.

Any input is really appreciated, 'coz this is sort of my "first" accident and it is super stupid.